Monday, September 30, 2019

The Changing Face of Business

Chapter 1 The Changing Face of Business http://www. wileybusinessupdates. com Learning Goals 1 Distinguish between business and notfor-profit organizations. Identify and describe the factors of production. 5 Explain how today’s business workforce and the nature of work itself is changing. Identify the skills and attributes managers need to lead businesses in the 21st century. Outline the characteristics that make a company admired by the business community. 2 6 3 Describe the private enterprise system, including basic rights and entrepreneurship.Identify the six eras of business, and explain how the relationship era— including alliances, technology, and environmental concerns—influences contemporary business. 7 4 What is Business? Profit-seeking activities and enterprises provide goods and services necessary to an economic system. Profit-seeking is the reward for business people who take the risk involved to offer goods and services to customers. See Fortune 500 for a list of major U. S. companies. Factors of Production Natural Resources Capital Human Resources Entrepreneurship Occupational Outlook Handbook The Private Enterprise System CapitalismAdam Smith is the father of capitalism. â€Å"Invisible Hand† Economic system determines business ownership, profits, and resources Rewards firms for their ability to serve the needs of consumers Minimized government intervention Competition is the battle among businesses for consumer acceptance. Basic Rights in a Private Enterprise System Entrepreneurship An Entrepreneur: Is a risk-taker Takes financial, personal, social, and career risks Entrepreneurial thinking is important within large firms. Sees a potentially profitable opportunity Devises a plan to achieve success in the marketplace and earn those profits Fuels the U.S. economy Provides innovation Six Eras in the History of U. S. Business Managing Relationships through Connections Relationship Management Activities to build and mainta in mutually beneficial ties with customers and other parties Relationship management depends on technology. Strategic Alliances and Partnerships A partnership is an affiliation of two or more companies that help each other achieve common goals. A strategic alliance is a partnership formed to create a competitive advantage for both parties (see Amazon). Today’s Business WorkforceDedicated workers who can foster strong ties with customers Capable of high-quality production Able to compete in global markets Technically savvy Changes in the Workforce: Aging Population By 2030, the number of U. S. workers 65 or older will reach 72 million. Many baby boomers are hitting the peak of their careers, while Generations X and Y are launching their careers. Technology has intensified the hiring challenge by requiring workers to have ever more advanced skills. U. S. Census Bureau Changes in the Workforce: Shrinking Labor Pool/Diversity Economists predict the U. S. abor pool could soon fall short by as many as 10 million people. The two fastest-growing ethnic populations in the United States are Hispanics and people of Asian origin. Employee teams with individuals of different genders, ethnic backgrounds, cultures, religions, ages, and physical and mental abilities are more effective. Changes in the Workforce: Outsourcing Outsourcing is using outside vendors to produce goods or fulfill services and functions that were previously handled in-house or incountry. Offshoring is the relocation of business processes to lower-cost locations overseas.Changes in the Workforce: Innovation through Collaboration Younger workers are looking to something other than work-comes-first Telecommuting and job-sharing Part-time and temporary workers are growing Collaboration is replacing working alone Value risk-taking and innovation The 21st-Century Manager Critical-thinking Creativity Ability to lead change Vision Critical Thinking and Creativity Critical thinking is the ability to analy ze and assess information to pinpoint problems or opportunities. Creativity is the capacity to develop novel solutions to perceived organizational problems.Ability to Lead Change Guide employees and organizations through changes Managers must be comfortable with tough decisions. Factors that require organizational change can come from external and internal sources. What Makes a Company Admired? Solid profits Stable growth Safe and challenging work environment High-quality goods and services Business ethics and social responsibility Fortune’s list of Most Admired Companies The Future of Business New Technologies Population Shifts Emerging nations Shrinking Global Barriers Trade, communication, transportation

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Autobiography of Malcolm X

What Is the meaning of the title? Does It have a surface or deeper meaning? The title â€Å"The Autobiography of Malcolm X† is a book of Malcolm Ax's life story, which is a powerful voice in our black history. During his lifetime he went through several significant changes in his lifestyle and beliefs. Many of these things were influenced by his travels, life events and who he came Into contact with. 2. Identify the setting's historical significance During Malcolm Ax's lifetime he traveled to many places in the United States as well as out of the country.He was born In Omaha, Nebraska. Malcolm father, Earl Little, was a traveling Baptist minister so they moved around in the united States. At the age of seventeen Malcolm moved to Boston, Massachusetts. This is where he began to get involved with drugs, gambling, drinking, pimps, and stealing. 3. Does this work make a political observation about African American culture? Does it perpetuate damaging stereotypes and myths about Af rican Americans or does it deflate these myths and stereotypes? Malcolm X continued to Jump around in his beliefs.This makes me wonder If he lived longer would he have still believed the same thing. From when he was a child, a teenager in Boston, prison, following under Elijah Muhammad, to creating his own religion. Malcolm focused most of his life on people being bias. At the beginning of his book he said that his father was even bias Like the whites. He treated Malcolm different, compared to his brothers and sisters; he said It was because he was light skinned. Did his father say this or Is this Just Malcolm opinion?Who in this world isn't bias about something it may not be color of skin, but financial well being, background or heritage. I'm not saying that this Justifies being prejudice against African Americans. However, if you are constantly looking for something you will see what you're searching for, even If It really Isn't there. Which Is something I fell Malcolm X does repe atedly throughout his life. Race is always brought up in his arguments. Doesn't he want a better for the black community? He is criticizing his own people.Is this what we want African American's to be seen as, disparaging their own race. Malcolm portrays as an angry black male against the whites, judgment should not been applied in anger. Malcolm is constantly against the whites and the African Americans that have made a better life in at this time hat was a white world. Change is gradual; the black community is trying out the new waters and opportunities they were given. Malcolm X Is known as a great black activist, but I see that his teaching of how to be an Independent African American community was not an effective way.Blacks are known today as majority of the population of our prisons and majority of single family homes. Should the black community continue to preach Malcolm support of violence as answer to these problems? We should teach self reliance and a strong male presence In the household. Malcolm did teach these things however he did not teach non violence, which I believe is a key part of this problem. 5. Identify an appropriate audience for this work. Does this work have universal appeal?Before I say what audience this work is appropriate for; I think I should ask if Malcolm X was a leader that should be followed. Malcolm was born in poverty and grew up as a trouble teenager. After prison Malcolm changed his life and became a leader for the black community. Was he a leader that should be followed? Did he help the black community step forward as a group of people wanting equal freedom and rights? There were many historical leaders that led groups of people that had efferent views to another leader. But which leader gave path to a better lifestyle?I could argue that this work is appropriate for young black males. That it could be inspirational for them to see a man go from poverty to a historical leader. However, do we want these young black males to look up to a leader that didn't really change the world for the good? I think we should see if today, fifty years later, the movement Malcolm led has benefited the black community. Malcolm became deeply involved in the growing turmoil of the civil rights movement. As a radical black leader, Malcolm X advocated black pride and financial self-reliance.He ultimately rose to become a world-renowned African American and human rights activist. I think Malcolm Ax's belief of becoming self reliant and building a strong black family household is what every person should strive for. However, his embrace of violence is something I do not believe is a way to overcome and be recognized as a black community wanting their own opportunities and liberty. I still feel like today violence is used in hope to gain freedom and opportunities. This would make me hesitate to advice a young black male to read this work while looking for guidance.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Aggressive Marketing and Consumption Culture Term Paper

Aggressive Marketing and Consumption Culture - Term Paper Example This paper seeks to evaluate through analysis in which critical marketing ideas would improve education in marketing and general practice and in the end link the outcome to the idea of people being what they consume. The case will, therefore, integrate the findings of a primary research based on a combination of the same theme areas and create an analysis in the literature. Improvement of any marketing idea is based on the subject getting the knowledge, transforming the theoretical perspectives and putting it into practice (Mort, 1997, p. 20). Marketing knowledge is wide and a basic idea to the business world. Improvement of this knowledge is based on the idea of improving the knowledge of the components of marketing. It, therefore, means that the improvement of the knowledge and practice can only be done if there is a collection of all components, paradigms, and strategies that will create a positive impression on the recipient of the knowledge for improvement. The most important target, however, is the consumer (Penington, 2000, p. 321). The creation of the ideas belying real production and satisfaction of the consumer is the ultimate goal of marketing. The end consumer behavior will determine the success of the knowledge created or the failure of the same. According to Caterral, Maclaran, and Stevens (1999), the improvement can be done by a focus on the marketing paradigms which start with ways of attracting a customer to the creation of the culture of consumption in the customer. This issue is supported by Christine (2013) who highlighted five critical areas of focus to improve marketing knowledge. The areas are; relationship marketing, network, diversity, evangelism, and culture creation. The latter is always the expected and intended outcome.

Friday, September 27, 2019

How Local Merchants Can Work Together to Slow the Money in Ashland Essay

How Local Merchants Can Work Together to Slow the Money in Ashland - Essay Example This will circulate the money within the boundaries of Ashland and the profits generated by the local businesses would benefit the economy as a whole in terms of business expansions and growth. The merchants have started their businesses in Ashland for the convenience of residency they have in Ashland. They had put in their finances in different businesses like food, clothing etc. to make all necessary products available in the market for the people. For a success in business, Ashland’s entrepreneurs need to invest wisely in the business that has more demand and less supply. The reputation of businesses and awareness about ‘slow money’ ideas to develop the economy of Ashland is necessary to attract more local consumers. The local economy, with the help of proper marketing of the products, services and awareness about local circularization of money to improve the economy, would grow. The local merchants support each other as they have maintained good relationships between them. They may work together to improve the social and economic conditions of Ashland and reduce the crime rates, disputes and poverty that prevail

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Principles of Entrepreneurship class, Extra credit case study

Principles of Entrepreneurship class, Extra credit - Case Study Example s market segment based on their discretionary incomes (pertaining to the young professionals which constitute a significant portion of 40% of the target market segment). Some financial data can also be obtained on the rest of the target market, which are the college students (40%) and the local music scene enthusiasts (20%) on how much they can spend on some of these discretionary entertainment expenditures, which can evaporate if there is a recession. The business environment section of this case study is too brief and gives only a very cursory approach to the whole entrepreneurial venture. Perhaps more information should be a necessity of the project proponents, especially if they intend to raise venture capital or will likely borrow additional working capital from commercial banks. All additional information should be a plus, since it would show they had done their homework and in turn will convince potential investors in the future. An example is actual population figures that comprise the so-called younger generations and their percentage to the entire local population. Another example will be a more detailed copy of the revitalization plans of the city, which can affect traffic routes and congestion or availability of parking areas. Zoning regulations also need to be looked into, so as to determine the most favorable location for the new bar. What is its competitive advantage? The only combined bar, music venue and specialty liquor lounge within the area. The closest competitor is the Sub-Zero Bar, which incidentally also offers vodka, similar to the Noiz Vodka Bar in terms of its specialization in the liquor industry as the main form of client offering. However, this type of competitive advantage supposedly enjoyed by the Noiz Vodka Bar once it opens is something that is not easily defensible, as any other local bar within its immediate vicinity can change their strategy and also offer a similar type of packaging of products and services for their

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

International Human resources management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Human resources management - Essay Example II. LITERATURE REVIEW i. Provides what other researchers have discussed about the factors taken into considerations before setting wage such as setting the wage high in order to motivate and attract good labor force. ii. Labor market conditions or the bargaining power of employees or existing laws of labor unions can influence wage payment. iii. The empirical research carried out provided the theoretical prediction that the bargaining wage tends to be lower in places where there are high rate of unemployment. III. FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN SETTING THE WAGES a) British expatriate managers and engineers i. Availability of expatriate managers and engineers capable of fulfilling the obligations and responsibilities of the job ii. Determining the level of job demand for prospective employees or unemployment level in a certain country iii. Employment setting and organizational needs. b) Local manager’s engineers and manufacturing staff i. The wage compensation laws prevailing in a give n area and the attractiveness of the community ii. The cost of living and benefits that the company would realize iii. Performing job evaluation IV. CONCLUSION i. Provides the summary of the factors that IHRM should take into considerations before setting wage payment International Human Resources Management Introduction The International human resource directors and other top management teams of multinational companies have nowadays realized that globalization is the most critical problems many multinational enterprises are facing today. They also acknowledge that it has become difficult to determine the internalization strategies and factors that they will employ in setting wages for their employees. The IHRM director of a British Multi-National Food Processing Company, which is now planning to open new sites in Australia, Russia and India need to evaluate effective factors for setting wage payment for their employees. Many companies get stuck in the job evaluation process because of the complexity nature of job evaluation process. Many grading and wage payment structures for varied employment aspects have evolved over time and this can be hard for IHRM director to justify why one job is graded or paid higher than the other job. It is vital to employ unique methods for job evaluation, identify effective factors for setting wage payment of expatriate managers, engineers, manager’s engenders and manufacturing staffs. Therefore, before determining wage payment of employees, it is crucial to determine the organizational needs by carrying out job evaluation, job relevant skills, work experience for applicants and understand the economic conditions of the region in which the company will function. Literature Review Many multinational companies evaluate varied factors before making a decision of what to pay the new recruited employees. Thus, varied literatures have attempted to reveal the way many companies carry out labor evaluation process or employ varied factors when setting the wages for their employees. When setting the level of monetary compensation of employees, one need to take into consideration varied factors. Snell and Bohlander (2010, p. 121) argue that one of the first factors that should be taken into considerations when setting wage is setting the wage high in order to motivate and attract good labor force. The wage should be equitable meaning that it should accurately reflect the value of the labor performance. Sparrow, Brewster and Harris 2004, p.49)

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Cultural Differences and People Management Essay - 4

Cultural Differences and People Management - Essay Example It  has been one of my favourite subjects by far. It  was one of my favourite lessons in class. It was very informative, and I got to test some of the theories that I learned. I totally agree with the notion that collectivist and individualist cultures exist, and the society is mainly made up from these cultures. In a class, I got to learn that people belonging to the collectivist cultures place high value to society as a whole. They live a more selfless life working hard for themselves and even harder for the welfare of their community. However, an individualist society is a little different from this. In such societies, people tend to place more importance on individual goals rather to the objectives of the society. There is only ‘I’ and no ‘We’ in this type of a culture. I wanted to see if this was true and I researched on the Internet. Triandis (1995) has written an entire book on these types of cultures, and he writes that people from collectivist cultures are nurtured and raised to think about the society rather than about them. People in this kind of a culture live with unity often seeking help from one another. Triandis (1995) describes the individualists as entirely different. People living in these kinds of cultures promote individual goals. They are independent and feel ashamed of seeking help from others. These readings proved very beneficial for me. I never knew that these cultures existed until I took a closer look at different communities that exist in my country. One of my father’s close friends is an Indian, and I have grown up seeing him. When I went through the notes, he was the first person that came to my mind. Mr Mukesh was so much like what I had studied in class. He lives in an Indian neighbourhood where everyone interacts on a daily basis. I happen to know this because I have witnessed it with my own eyes. There are always relatives and other neighbours in their house when I go there. Mr

Monday, September 23, 2019

Free writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Free writing - Essay Example But, luckily, this fear did not turn out to be the be all and end all of most of my pursuits. During my childhood days in South Korea I turned towards nature for inspiration and guidance. I observed that nature tended to achieve perfection by diligently and persistently working on small things. The growing of a leaf of grass, the falling of a drop of rain on the parched earth, the first flight of a hatchling from one’s nest, the existence of large wiggly colonies of insects below the dead logs, the shedding of the leaves in fall, the blooming of flowers in the spring, all these things do not declare their existence with much grandeur and fanfare. Yet, there is no denying the fact that they adorn the earth with much beauty and charm. Hence, it was through my observation of nature that I learned the strength inherent in small things. It was how I came to the conclusion that perhaps I may not be able to wrest big achievements in my life, but certainly I can accomplish many small things through my dedication and sincerity. So I brought this magic of small things to all the aspects of my life. To begin with, I honed my proficiency in small things in the much benign and salubrious family atmosphere in Korea. It was through observing my family members that I realized that a person is dependent on the kindness of others when one is born, and also one is dependent on the kindness of others when one gets old, then how come we forget the relevance of kindness and compassion in the more robust, middle part of our lives? So my experience as a family man was a story of love and compassion. I may not have been able to do big things for my family, but I am sure they will always remember me for the love and kindness I put in the small things I did for them. In my academic and professional career I also always laid stress on the strength inherent in small things. Without sounding arrogant, I would not shy away from saying that my success as

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Discuss at least one conceptual idea, model or theory in respect of Coursework

Discuss at least one conceptual idea, model or theory in respect of your topic area and evaluate it using case study material - Coursework Example This report has been organised into eight parts, and it has been appropriately numbered throughout the document. The methodology that was used is reviewing of secondary sources. Unexpected and rapid change has become a modern society norm. However, the world has become a steadily volatile place with water shortages, health epidemics, terrorism, changing consumption patterns, economic crises, increasing fuel prices, food and global warming confronting most countries (Sterman, 2012). The impact combination of such factors has reignited focusing of sustainable development as a continuing problem for governments and businesses in general, and for tourism specifically. It has been argued that the tourism sector is required to be prepared to address current and forthcoming problems in order to maintain the viability of the industry and the resources upon that it is depending; and therefore, there is a need for proactive strategic planning and decision-making by governments, businesses and any other stakeholders to increase opportunities, reduce adverse impacts as well as maintaining competitive merits. Furthermore, Sharpley (2000) argued that the sustainable tourism principles are accepted in general, but the function of tourism remains justified by the economic development objectives. Recently, Sharpley (2009) stressed that the discourse of sustainable tourism has been all going around in circles without a breakthrough and little use in the sector, suggesting a need to go beyond sustainable tourism so that tourism development can progress. However, it is still apparent that the rising focus on the climate change, environment, and sustainable development has led to wider planning perspectives for tourism worldwide, overcoming previous fixations with marketing growth and economic strategies (Kozak & Baloglu, 2010). Such a shift toward a sustainable development platform is representing a major step forward for the tourism

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Perfect competition Essay Example for Free

Perfect competition Essay In our life, electricity is very importance and this is one of necessary things we use in everyday. In Vietnam, there is big corporation supply electricity for whole country which is EVN and the market of electricity in Vietnam is the monopoly. First of all, while perfect competitive market has many buyer and seller, monopoly is the market which has only one firm supplying the whole market. As the results, monopoly creates the unique product which dose not has close substitutes. Of course, in monopoly, there are no firms offering essentially identical same as perfect competitive market so has no close competition and, therefore, has the power to influence the market price of its product. Moreover, there are strong barriers to entry in this market. A monopoly remains the only seller in its market because other firm cannot enter the market and compete with it. Why monopoly can arise? We should consider three sources of barriers. First, the simplest way for a monopoly to arise is for a single firm to own the key resource. EVN, for example, it own the key input to produce electricity such as coal and water. Second, in many cases, monopoly arises because the Government has given one person or firm the exclusive right to sell some good or service. The patent and copyright laws are two importance examples. When you use your computer, it probably uses some version of Windows, the operating system sold by the Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft applied and received a copy right from the Government. Surely, nobody can sell and copy this except Microsoft and if one person wants to buy a copy of Windows, they have to pay higher price for this product. And the last is production process. When the firm has the copyright, it can raise the out put of the product and as the result price will be decrease. By the law of supply and demand, the costumers will be attracted away from the other firms. Of course, other firms will loss profit and be kicked out of the market. The firm has the copyright will be come monopoly. In addition, while perfect competitive firms have to take the given price and become price taker, monopolist firm has the market power to set the price of its product and become price maker. For instance, consider the market for electricity. If in Vietnam there are many of firm supply electricity, the prices of it will be lower but in fact, there is only one EVN supply electricity for whole country so even if it charge the high price people have to accept because it is impossible to get electricity from anywhere else. Not surprising, the monopolist has much greater market power than any single firm in a competitive market. In the case of a necessity like electricity, the monopolist could command quite a high price. Overall, all of characteristics such as there is only one producer, unique product, strong barriers to entry, price maker together they create one kind of market which is perfect competitive market.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Factors of Transportation Barriers

Factors of Transportation Barriers Dont you hate the feeling of not being able to travel to where you want, when you want? You may not want to ask people for rides because you may not have the amount of money to pay someone to take you, certainly when you need to go to a medical facility. Situations like this need special attention when it comes to your health. No matter how you feel, you always need to make your doctors appointments because you never know what might be going on in your body. Transportation is a major barrier to health care access to patients. Transportation shouldnt prevent anyone from getting to or from their doctor appointment. In a world where having transportation is a major key to society to where it can affect peoples lifestyle. Finding transportation can affect citizens regardless of the type of living situation there in, but the main concern is for low-income families. General research on transportation has been evaluated and it has come down to a lot of facts and statistics. Most of the info rmation agrees that there is a problem with transportation among peoples living arrangements, but especially with low income families. However, there are different reasons to why there is a problem with transportation such as location of where the people live, the distance to where they live to get to their doctor appointment, and the cost ranging between medical fees depending on how sick the patient. Even then if there are buses, the older people may not be able to ride or even the cost to afford the trip to the doctor can vary depending on how far your doctor is. There is a problem for people who live in rural areas; not for them in particular but also for older and poor people find transportation to their medical physicians. Many families that take home a low-income, their living conditions arent the finest. They seem to struggle to locate transportation that is reliable for them. The effect of this causes them to miss their appointments when the doctor is available to see them. Gillian White stated that low-salary communities are hit especially because of the poor quality of their transit hear their area (Cronk, 2015, p.3). Even if the patient lives in an area where subways and buses are located, people never know what might happen. The subway could be a long way from where you stay and also buses are so unreliable. What if your health is in chronic condition? People who are very sick may not be able to get on the subway nor a bus. Research by Cronk (2015) identified research by a survey defining the percent of the poverty level in Ohio by the journal Health Social Care in the Community (p.3). In 2001, this survey of 413 participants are living at or beneath the 125 percent of the poverty level located in Cleveland, Ohio. Also, researchers discovered that one-third of the participants said it was head and very hard to find reliable transit to their health care providers (p.3). This means that patients that are involved in this situation will have a difficult time connecting with their doctor will have to wait until a tragic emergency just to be able to be seen by a medical physical or a person of that nature. Distance1 Transportation barriers such as distance can cause people to not be able to go to their doctors appointments. Depending on how far their medical physician is, finding transportation will be very difficult. Studies show that having a vehicle gives the patient positive access to their health care. Having a vehicle means owning a car or having access to one by a friend or a family member. Arcury et al. researched transportation and the relationship it has with the health care stating that in the rural Appalachians, 1,059 people had prior knowledge of someone that they knew who had provided rides on a regular basis to people that they knew (Syed, 2013, p. 2). Also Guidry et al. researched a survey in which the outcome of 593 cancer patients from Texas, only 38% of whites, 55% of African Americans, and 60% of Hispanics are identified of having poor access to a vehicle as a barrier that could result in missing a cancer treatment (Syed, 2013, p. 2-3). Things like this could lead a very chro nic ill person to a horrible death, only because he or she miss their doctor appointment. Shockingly, a study researched by Lamont et al. discovered that the distance to a health care provider was related with the advancements of the health care system (Syed, 2013, p.3-4). Studies also researched that the combinations between distances to medical use. It reported that longer driving distances from the doctor office is actually associated with less medication thats given to the patient. Additional studies should be researched when it comes to low-income elderly in which they understand the important of transportation to access the health care provider. Cost Not being able to find a ride to the doctor will cost you a huge amount of money when you get critical sick. Money is more than something that you can use to make purchases; its actually a way of living. Without being able to afford a way to get to your primary physician, will cause issues in the long run. Some people cant even afford a taxis or an Uber. Cronk (2016) stated where a patient couldnt afford their medications and the effect of that caused him to be admitted to the hospital and get two of his toes removed. All of that couldve been avoided if he had the money to afford a ride to the doctors before the sickness took over his body (p.1). The issue that it seen with this situation is that patients are not able to find a ride that is affordable for them. When this happens, they end up with enormous health care bills that come from the hospital and insurances, if they even have any. Researches by Cronk (2016) stated that because of patients missing their schedule appointments l ead to the health care spending an extra $150 billion yearly (p.2). One researcher Tierney et al. stated that between 42,722 patients, a research conducted on the topic of transportation in the health care field, found that the cost to afford Medicaid is increasing, so now patients cannot purchase their medications (Syed, 2013, p.5). When the patients hear this information, they dont know what to do. If they cant afford the insurance that they have, then they wont be able to afford just a regular doctor appointment nor the patients medication. Results As a result, researchers have found ways to prevent these types of transportation barriers. One possible way is to provide a non-emergency medical transportation. They are used to help people with low-income be able to get to and from their doctors. But there is a catch to them. Cronk (2016) stated that that system is no good. Some of their transit vehicle arent equipped with GPSs nor a dispatch radio (p. 2). Whats the point of having a way to get there, and they cant even provide upgraded technology to make sure you get to the right place and on time? But we cant let this one issue ruin it for everyone. An option could be to come together with other partnerships that would be a good fit so that everyone can work together to make sure everyone gets there without having any barriers. A study by Syed (2016) states that the two studies looked into United States Veterans and saw that they could receive federal support when it comes to barriers when trying to get to their doctors (p.5). R esearched by Inman (2016) shows that there are many low cost ways to get transportation: Lynx is only one dollar for standard bus routes (p.4). So there are options available to the patients. Using these options will prove that there is a way around transportation barriers. It just takes time for someone to research these resources for the elderly patients and low income families. Conclusion Conclusively, transit barriers all comes down to more emergency rooms appearances and the care that is available. Since the majority of transportation barriers affect people who are low incomed and elderly, help should be offered. No matter about the location, cost and distance, there should be free, no cost, transportation for these patients in their neighborhood. For elderly people, there is more of a transportation issue because of the fact that they are older and more prone to have a sickness due to their age. But before there can be a definite answer, we can only assume because there needs to be additional research before a truthful conclusion is made. Syed (2016) states that there could be a possible solution if health care workers, patients, and people around neighboring cities come together to create a plan to have less transportation barriers. Creating a collaboration like this would make a total different in the society that we live in today (pg.6). But at the end of the da y, transportation barriers are a topic that needs strong attention to make changes for people who are struggling. People arent getting any younger, just older. This needs to be handle as soon as possible to make a change in the world we live in today. References Cronk, Imran. The Transportation Barrier. The Atlantic (2015): 1-6. Web. 22 Sept. 2016. Cronk, I. (2016, September 2). Transportation shouldnt be a barrier to health care. October 20, 2016, from Inman, J. (2015, July 20). Lack of transportation has serious consequences for older adults. Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved October 10, 2016. Syed, S. T., Gerber, B. S., Sharp, L. K. (2013). Traveling Towards Disease: Transportation Barriers to Health Care Access. Journal of Community Health, 38(5), 976-993. 1007/s 10900-013-9681-1 Tables Table 1 [Table Title] Column Head Column Head Column Head Column Head Column Head Row Head 123 123 123 123 Row Head 456 456 456 456 Row Head 789 789 789 789 Row Head 123 123 123 123 Row Head 456 456 456 456 Row Head 789 789 789 789 Note: [Place all tables for your paper in a tables section, following references (and, if applicable, footnotes). Start a new page for each table, include a table number and table title for each, as shown on this page. All explanatory text appears in a table note that follows the table, such as this one. Use the Table/Figure style, available on the Home tab, in the Styles gallery, to get the spacing between table and note. 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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Indigenous Health Care Essay -- Sociology, Australian Ancient Aborigin

Introduction In this essay the writer will discuss the colonisation of Australia, and the effects that dispossession had on indigenous communities. It will define health, comparing the difference between indigenous and non- indigenous health. It will point out the benefits and criticism of the Biomedical and sociological models of health, and state why it is important in healthcare to be culturally competent with Transcultural theory. The case study of Rodney will be analyzed to distinguish which models of health were applied to Rodney’s care, and if transcultural theory was present when health care workers were dealing with Rodney’s treatment plan. Discussion Ancient Aboriginals were the first people to set foot on the Australian continent, over 40,000 years or more before Colonization (Eckermann, 2010). They survived by hunting and gathering their food, worshipping the land to protect its resources, and ensuring their survival. The aboriginal community had adapted to the environment, building a strong framework of social, cultural, and spiritual beliefs (Eckermann, 2010). Colonisation of Australia began in 1788, when Englishman Captain Cook claimed the land as an empty, uninhabited, continent giving it the classification Terra Nullius and leaving it open to colonization. Eckermann (2010), stated that the English failed to recognise the aboriginal tribes as civilized, co-inhibiters of the land, feeling they had no right to a claim. Major settlements occurred after the nineteenth century. The British had quickly out-numbered the Aboriginal community, leaving them powerless to the changes or the invasion. The belief systems of the Europeans overpowered the aboriginal’s way of life, pressuring them to conform to the... ...ans, is especially crucial in the health care setting in order to build a relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and to break down communication barrier’s. To provide Indigenous people with adequate health care emphasis needs to be placed on understanding indigenous beliefs and the social detriments Indigenous communities are faced with. Applying a suitable model of health to each individual situation will provide the best outcome. This was evident in the case study discussed in the essay. Rodney’s experiences within the medical world ended with a positive and desirable result, but if the appropriate transcultural care was not given, that positive result would have created a negative outcome, which could have been detrimental to Rodney’s future health. This shows the significance that health care workers can have on patient care.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wireless Computing Essay examples -- Education, Teachers

In an attempt to improve the integration of wireless computing, educators and policymakers are reevaluating ways to incorporate technology tools into the grade level performance standards without separating the two educational standards (Collins & Halverson, 2009; Weston & Bain, 2010). Presently, students and teachers at the rural school district under review have the ability to transmit information through wireless technological resources. Francis and Mishra (2008) explained that teaching-learning with wireless computing effectively will demand that classroom teachers are knowledgeable of the security of information. The researchers insisted that teachers need to know about the stored or transmitted information through wireless technology. In addition, teachers will also need to learn the practicality and effectiveness of using such technology for educational purposes. Although both the schools and students possess different wireless technology tools within this southeast rural K–12 district in questioned, the devices are not used to augment new pedagogical strategies due to teachers' technology attitudes, lack adequate training or beliefs (Hayes, 2009). Teachers will continue to be uncomfortable with wireless technology unless their attitudes about technology changes (Hennessy, Harrison & Wamakote, 2010). Teachers' who lack confidence in instructing with wireless technology tools may hesitate to use them (Francis & Mishra, 2008; Teo, 2009). Teachers’ attitudes, awareness, lack of autonomy, lack of skills to assess what wireless technology offers, and technophobia appear to be the primary barriers that hinders teachers from integrating technology into their instructional practices (Hennessy et al., 2010; Ursava... ...udes towards technology and the uses of such technology. In addition, this study will apply quantitative measures to generate numeric quantifiable concrete analyses of the findings (Deeptee and Roshan, 2008; Leedy and Ormrod, 2010). This study attempts to distinguish a concrete analysis between the measurements found and the natural abilities of teachers using available technology during instruction. From those measurements and descriptions, the researcher will design an online support network (OSN) as an instructional resource (Snider, 2009; Hennessy, Harrison & Wamakote, 2010). A professional learning network will assist K–12 teachers with integrating available technology effectively in the classroom. Access to professional learning resources will encourage teachers’ confidence through the use of available technology and help with any possible technophobia.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

African American and Their Rights Essay

Since slavery, African Americans have gone through a lot to reach their current state. In the early 20th century, African Americans faced discrimination, isolation, and were segregated according to their skin color. It started when Europeans brought the first Africans to America, and continued throughout the Civil War. The American government made some changes in policies. A variety of leaders shaped the successful struggle toward black equality in America (Bowles, 2011). Ever since slavery begun, African Americans have been determined to end segregation, discrimination, and isolation. Activists such as, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, and others, joined together to put an end to segregation, discrimination, and isolation to attain civil rights and equality. Slavery had changed dramatically in the late 1600s. About this time the slave trade to American colonies also began increasing to meet the demand for cheap labor. Traders sold slaves to the Northern colonies, but English and other European immigrants satisfied the demand for labor there (Echerd, 2009). Slaves in America came from western and central Africa. African tribes sometimes enslaved those defeated in intertribal wars and sold their captives to European slave traders. The tribes raided villages to obtain slaves to trade for European goods. Slave traders had even offered the Africans guns and other goods for the slaves. Slaves lived a rough, hard life. Cheap labor was a huge part of their lives. They had to work from sunrise to sunset. The work consisted of clearing land, tended to fields of tobacco, rice, and vegetables. They also performed many other tasks that had helped make plantations almost completely self-sufficient. No slaves saw any money for their tasks that they had performed, but they did receive food, clothing, and shelter. The slaves had resided in small one-room huts, which had no windows and the floors were all dirt. Most slaves accepted their living condition, however, they knew no other way of life (Koehler, 2009). However, white Southerners regained control of state governments in the South during the late 1870s, however, and reversed most of the previous gains made by former slaves. For example: segregation. What is segregation? According to Webster’s Dictionary, to segregate is defined as to separate or set apart from others; isolate or to require, often with force, the separation of a specific racial, religious, or other group from the body of society. Segregation has been a part of our American heritage, almost from the moment slaves arrived on the shores of the New World (Bowles, 2011). In 17th century Virginia, the theocratic government feared that racial mixing between freed and enslaved blacks and white indentured servants would become a means to usurp government power. They passed laws in which the color line was clearly defined in any criminal punishments. By treating whites and blacks separately and unequally, these Virginian leaders set up a system of white supremacy that would become an essential component of American slavery. Separation and segregation was the order of the day, with African Americans being forced to ride in separate railroad cars, have their own hotels and courthouses, and even get water out of their own drinking fountains. Their children could not attend the same schools with the White children. To further push the color-line, they then added in segregation with the Jim Crow Laws. This is mainly because the Whites were considered to be superior, and hence were thought to deserve better schools with better facilities. African Americans on the other hand were considered inferior, and hence their children attended low-quality schools that lacked adequate facilities (Sitkoff & Franklin, 2008). The Northern States, which had grew and prospered during the war, believed the former slaves to be equal as any other person. The Southern States, still angry over the loss of the war and their firm belief in White superiority, took a different approach. They created and enforced what were known as the Black Codes. These were legislations passed in Southern states to control labor, migration and other activities of the freed slaves. Black Codes allowed legal marriage, property ownership and limited access to the court systems. It prohibited them from testifying against whites, serving on juries or militias, voting and publicly expressing any form of legal concerns ( www. history. com). Any former slave that did not sign yearly labor contract with the plantation owners could be arrested and hired out. The Black codes in short allowed for the continued and legal discrimination against the former slaves (www. history. com). Congress quickly responded to these laws in 1866 and seized the initiative in remaking the south. Republicans wanted to ensure that with the remaking the south, freed blacks were made viable members of society. But the strong southern legislatures finally gave in; in 1868 they repealed most of the laws that discriminated against blacks. Things were starting to look up. But by 1877 Democratic parties regained their power of the south and ended reconstruction. In 1882, southern states passed Jim Crow laws that enforced strict segregation between blacks and whites and limited African-American civil rights. This was devastating to the blacks. After all the strides they made were reversed. From holding political offices, the right to vote, and participating as equal members of society was changed. The south gradually reinstated the racially discriminatory laws. The two main goals they wanted these laws to achieve: disenfranchisement and segregation. To take away the power that the blacks had gained, the Democratic Party began to stop Blacks from voting. There were many ways to stop blacks from voting. Some of these things were poll tax, which were fees were charged at voting booths and were expensive for most blacks, and the literacy test. Since teaching blacks were illegal, most adult blacks were former slaves and illiterate. And the other goal, segregation, causes the democrats to create laws that segregated the schools and public facilities. The Northern States, which had grew and prospered during the war, believed the former slaves to be equal as any other person. The Southern States, still angry over the loss of the war and their firm belief in White superiority, took a different approach. They created and enforced what were known as the Black Codes. These were legislations passed in Southern states to control labor, migration and other activities of the freed slaves. Black Codes allowed legal marriage, property ownership and limited access to the court systems. It prohibited them from testifying against whites, serving on juries or militias, voting and publicly expressing any form of legal concerns. Any former slave that did not sign yearly labor contract with the plantation owners could be arrested and hired out. The Black codes in short allowed for the continued and legal discrimination against the former slaves. Just like some African Americans activists fought this segregation, some Whites had some groups of their own to carry the segregation on and on. The Ku Klux Klan was one of them. The Ku Klux Klan, Knights of White Camellia, and other terrorists murdered thousands of blacks and some whites to prevent them from voting and participating in public life. The KKK was founded in 1865 to 1866. They directed their violence towards black landowners, politicians, and community leaders. They also did this to people who supported Republicans or racial equalities (Anti-Defamation League, 2012). After the abolishment of slavery in the U. S. the KKK formed. They hated blacks and would commit crimes against them. Murders, hangings, and lynches are just some of the crimes against the blacks (www. kkk. bz, n. d. ). The Ku Klux Klan claims to be just defending their people like other races do. What is a lynching? Lynching is a form of punishment with no legal permission. Most times lynching occurred against African Americans by hanging them. This was very popular during the Gilded Age after the American Civil War when African Americans were freed from slavery. Many White men would use lynching against Black men for being in a mixed relationship with a White woman. However, because lynching had no legal basis, it was thought to have been a tool that was used against freed slaves that had achieved financial stability and authority in order to remain a White-dominated nation. Lynching was most likely performed by White Supremacy groups like the KKK. Lynching was done by hanging or shooting, or both. However, many were of a more hideous nature. Burning at the stake, maiming, dismemberment, castration, and other brutal methods of physical torture are all part of a lynching. Lynching therefore was a cruel combination of racism and sadism, which was utilized primarily to sustain the caste system in the South. Many white people believed that Negroes could only be controlled by fear. To them, lynching was seen as the most effective means of control. Defending your people is one thing, but to torture another human being is inhuman. The KKK has several stories out there today on how they treated the blacks, whether they did anything wrong or not. For instance, a Louisiana woman is in critical condition after she was set on fire, resulting in burns on roughly 60 percent of her body, and her car appears to have had racial slurs written on it at the time of her attack (Mach, n. d. ). They had even gone as far as church bombings. The KKK launched a bomb into a church during a Sunday service, which left four innocent teenage girls dead. The men responsible hid behind the cloak of secrecy, intimidation and the white robes of the oldest terrorist organization in the world, the Ku Klux Klan (Gado, n. d. ). Therefore, until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, racial discrimination is an issue that was not seriously tackled. The act was a successful result of most wide-ranging civil rights legislation and Civil Rights Movements for close to a century (Finkelman, 2009). The act declared discrimination on the basis of color, race, ethnicity, religion, and many other aspects as unconstitutional. During the critical years from 1954 to 1963, a variety of leaders with different backgrounds, such as lawyers from the NAACP, women sitting on buses, ministers from southern black churches, militants from black power organizations, and youth from colleges had shaped the successful struggle toward black equality in America (Bowles, 2011). In 1896, the Supreme Court’s Plessy v. Ferguson decision established that â€Å"separate but equal† facilities for whites and blacks were allowable under the U. S. Constitution. Local governmental officials could designate separate public facilities like drinking fountains, restrooms, and schools. Even courthouses often had separate Bibles according to the defendant’s race. The problem was that separate usually meant unequal, and segregation subverted the freedom of every African American (Sundquist, 1993). Now, it is time for the African- Americans to fight back. The incident that made them want to make a difference was the Rosa Park bus ride. After a long day of work on December 1, 1955, Parks, feet hurt, looked forward to sitting on the bus for her ride home. At the time, there was a city ordinance stating that African Americans had to give up their seats on a train or bus if a white man asked for them. When a white man approached Parks and told her that he wanted her seat, she simply said no. Although she acted as a private citizen, her response was as an informed, committed member of the NAACP movement. The bus driver had asked Parks to move. When she did not, the bus driver said, â€Å"Look, woman, I told you I wanted the seat. Are you going to stand up? † When Parks again said no, the driver threatened, â€Å"If you don’t stand up, I’m going to have you arrested. † She gave no reply but at the next stop, Rosa was arrested (Garrow, 2004). A pastor known as Martin Luther King Jr., organized a boycott, the Montgomery bus boycott. King Jr. took this to a higher level and maintained and organized the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), which coordinated similar bus boycotts in other cities. Shortly after the boycott, King had found a bomb on his porch. King went to Birmingham, Alabama, where he continued his nonviolent protests and marches. However, the police authorized force to disband King’s followers by using electric cattle prods, tear gas, and fire hoses (Bowles, 2011). King was arrested with the others, but upon his release from jail he went to Washington, D. C., where he and demonstrators met at the National Mall and addressed them with his famous â€Å"We Shall Overcome† speech on August 23, 1963. King’s words at the capital that day were a defining moment of the Civil Rights movement. Other demonstrations and civil disobedience campaigns sought to increase African-American voter registration and win better jobs. Malcolm X actively promoted the Black Muslim cause. Even after speaking about non-violence and wanting peace, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. The civil rights movement dramatically increased participation of African- American voters in both the South and the North today. By the mid-70s some 4000 African-Americans have been elected to political office at all levels of government. Qualified African-Americans now have a wider range of opportunities than ever before. Whether you are White or African-American, each group has faced its own peculiar challenges on its approach to democracy (Rappaport, 2001). This racism is wrong and unconstitutional. The 13th Amendment is ratified, abolishing slavery, which some people still went against it. The 14th Amendment granted citizenship to the former slaves and forbade states from denying any person life, liberty, or property without due process of the law. The 14th Amendment also guaranteed equal protection of the law for all citizens. The 15th Amendment barred states from denying citizens the right to vote based on race, color, or previous servitude (Hertz, 2009). In a perfect world, everyone would be equal. The color of one’s skin, religious beliefs or sexual preference would mean nothing. We would accept everyone for whom and what they are. We would rejoice in the differences between each other instead of belittling, hating and discriminating against those differences. We don’t however live in a perfect world. We live in a world filled with distrust and hate. If we don’t know or understand it in our society, then it is wrong. It will be discriminated against in one form or another. We as a country have made major strides in overcoming racism, however we still have far to go. In conclusion, African Americans faced isolation, discrimination, and segregation during the post-construction period. Racial discrimination was also prevalent in the military where back soldiers were considered inferior to white soldiers and hence poorly trained and equipped. The issue of racial discrimination, isolation and segregation was not seriously tackled until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted. Civil rights activists such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. organized the famous 1963 protest in Washington that eventually forced President John Kennedy to pass the Act. It is therefore, clear that the journey to end isolation, discrimination, and segregation to attain equality and civil rights has been hard but worthwhile. ? References Bowles, M. (2011). American History 1865- Present End of Isolation. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint. Retrieved at: https://content. ashford. edu/books/AUHIS204. 11. 2 Finkelman, P. (2009) Encyclopedia of African American history, 1896-present, Madison Avenue, New York: Oxford University Press Rappaport, D. (2001). Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Sitkoff, H. , & Franklin, J. (2008) The Struggle for Black equality. Hill and Wang Publication http://www. adl. org/learn/ext_us/kkk/default. asp? LEARN_Cat=Extremism&LEARN_SubCat=Extremism_in_America&xpicked=4&item=kkk http://www. history. com/topics/black-codes Civil Rights Act of 1964 http://www. ourdocuments. gov/doc. php? doc=97&page=transcript.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Assignment

Performance Review Report ————————————————- Cho Cho Phyu Company Limited Group – 2 â€Å"We can say that there can be a change situation, when the people are dissatisfied with the current status or current situation. † Kurt. W. Lewin â€Å"Change can be happened when the people in the organization are open-minded and willing to change. † U Aye Kyaw(MHR) Acknowledgements We would like to express our sincere acknowledgements to all those who have helped us in preparation for this project.Initially, we would especially like to express my gratitude to our teachers- TakeruOhe, PhosyChanhming, and Yasushi Ishida who give the training of COBLAS Myanmar (Consulting Based On Learning Asean Small and Medium Enterprises). We are greatly in debt of gratitude to all of our Myanmar teachers for their encouragement, unflagging support and invaluable guidance throughou t our project. We are very much grateful to Daw Phyu Phyu Seinn, Managing Director of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd (SPIKE Fashion Collection) who allows us to do the research in her company and gives us invaluable datas, information and help which is very important for our project.Furthermore, our special thanks are due to the employees in Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd, for their contribution and help in our change process. Last, we would like to offer my thanks to the authors and publishers mentioned in the references for using their materials in preparing this project. Many thanks to everybody who gave us help and support throughout our project. Executive Summary People are talking about the powerful word called ‘Change’, which is really popular in the human society started from the not more than the past three decades.And yes, this will be happened continuously at every time and in every situation. This is also happened in our business environment. Many literatures say that the e nvironment that the businesses operate is ‘rapidly and massively changing’. So, here are only two questions for all the businesses. Those questions are â€Å"kill? † or â€Å"be killed? †. For the business to be successful in the foreseeable future, it has to be killed the change before it is too late. So, the businesses must have aligned its internal arrangement with the demand of external changes.In this project, we focus on the aspect of ‘Starting up the Human Resource Department and introducing about Customer-led Culture’ at the company called â€Å"SPIKE Fashion Collection†, which is a successful fashion brand in Myanmar. ORGANIZATION PROFILE Cho Cho Phyu Company is started with a humble sole trader business structure in 1992, in the Third Capital City of Myanmar, Mandalay. And then, the business moves to Yangon in 2006 and formed as a private limited company. Also in 2006, Cho Cho Phyu company launched a fashion brand called †˜SPIKE’, which offers woman clothing to both business and consumer markets.Now, SPIKE is very popular brand for its local target markets of both Upper Lower and Lower Middle classes who live in suburb areas. Now Cho Cho Phyu hasTwoShow Rooms, in some downtown areas and TwoGarment Factories, which are operating very well. Business Canvas CUSTOMER SEGMENTS 1 Upper Lower Classes Lower Middle Classes VALUE PROPOSITION 2 ‘Spike’ is a fashion brand which is well established and has a good quality and reasonable price to its target market. the design is the main proposition for it, which is mostly emphasise on the comfort and confidence for its targets. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP 4Personal Assistant, Email, Phone, Letters DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS 3 Indirect Channel Direct Channel Consignment KEY RESOURCES 6 Reasonable Market Experience KEY ACTIVITIES 7 Cutting, Making , Packaging, Selling and Distribution PARTNERS 8 COST STRUCTURE 9 Social / Environmental Costs Financial Risk Capital Investment REVENUE STREAMS 5 Business community Well established Brand Seven Colour Textile Co. ,Ltd Long Foung Laung Yee ‘Spike’ aims to generate small revenues from a large number of customer designed items. This represents a valuable addition to Spike Fashion Collection. SWOT Analysis Strengths Customer loyalty / relationshipsProduction quality High production efficiency Skillful employees S W O T Weaknesses Poor Human Resource Management Lack of Plan Lack of clear mission, vision & goals Opportunities Changing customer’s needs Technological advance Get offer from ASEAN free trade Fashion trend changes of different ages Threats Changing the taste and preferences of the customers. the direct investment of the foreign companies. Main Issues As Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd is just transforming from Sole Trader business structure to Limited Liability Company (LLC), there are many problems associated with conventional or traditional management style.Many theorist s say that most of the business owners are still getting lost in this change period, as they do reflect and remember their past behaviors, which are very well relevant for them in the past. In this firm, employee are dissatisfied with their job as they do not get the benefits and privileges that can get easily in the external market or in other companies. The Bureaucratic decision-making and less delegating also lead the whole organization to feel stifle and less important. Moreover, no Human Resource Department leads to become unstructured and unsystematic procedure in dealing with employee aspects.As a consequence, there are many unmatched job responsibilities and position. Employees do not know ‘what are their rights? ’ and â€Å"what are strictly forbidden/†. Initial Stage (prelude) We met with the Managing Director of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd and discussed about the matters that are currently arising within the Company. After discussing about the matters, we m ade an agreement with MD of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd and we sent TOR (Term of Reference) Letter to make the agreement. After due consideration of all aspects, our group started to work the following activities. Investigation methodsResearch Design Exploratory: After getting the permission from company’s board of director, we started to discuss what factors of Cho Cho Phyu Co. ,Ltd contribute to employee satisfaction. Because of time and budget constraints, we were unable to conduct focus groups or in depth interviews. By doing interview, we developed the research design. Descriptive: To gain a better un derstanding of the problem, and to clarify the research questions, we conducted secondary research to discover what experts say aboutemployee salary scales. This research allowed us to gain a solid understanding of the business.We clearly describe about the process of our research and data process through clear clarification in our ‘Employee Job Satisfaction Report’ . Force Field Analysis For every change management, the most vital thing to consider is that whether this change is needed or not. To know the solution, we made investigations by using interviewing, questionnaire and scanning the environment. After being investigated the whole environment, we can suggest that the Cho Cho Phyu is needed to set the Human Resource Department. As the nature of organization comprises with human beings, there can be complexity of human emotions and psychological implications.People always feel threaten because of change. So in this situation, there is no doubt that this will be happened too. Then when we look at Lewis Force Field, there are two forces – the positive forces for change and obstacles of change. there will be change of the positive forces are greater than obstacles. Driving Forces * Demographic Changes In previous days, there are few places for all customers to buy products or whatever they want. After 1998, the demographic changes inc ur and customers now have habits to buy things at retail stores. Now, customers are very choosy, know they have a right to sue and knowledgeable.Moreover, every customer thinks they are paramount for every businesses. * Various Stakeholders Interests Stakeholders are those who are interested in the business activities and can be affected by the business operations. There is declined in organization’s profit level at those days. Poor customer management skills and overlooking the customers’ needs and expectations made the Cho Cho Phyu bad image. For Cho Cho Phyu, employees are the best valuable assets which cannot be copied or imitate. Also, there is a strong relationship between the Employee Job Satisfaction and Customer satisfaction. * Political ChangesAfter changing government and political policies in 1989, the economic condition of Myanmar is gradually increasing. Changing from socialist economy to market economy gave the Myanmar economy to become more developments and beneficial returns. In 2015, there will be an AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Agreement) issues. So, many SMEs and large scale businesses are starting to prepare for the unseen able future changes. * Competitors’ Reactions In Myanmar, there are same businesses like SPIKE Fashion Collection. The main rivalries for the SPIKE are D2, ,who are aggressively aiming to satisfy the customer requirements. * Economic IssuesIn Myanmar economy, there are too many uncertainties for every businesses. Also the implication of globalization of markets, organization must learn to break the limited mindset of national markets to compete on a worldwide basis (Ghoshal and Butler, 1992). Restraining Forces * Habits For every complexities, everybody rely on habits or programmed responses. People are difficult to change if they are naturally habited. * Security Even people at the high level can resist if the change is threatening to their feeling of safety. For staffs, there can be a sense of insecurity of being the nature of culture change due to the fear of unknown. Group Inertia Even if individual want to change, there can be resistances, which are constraint to the group norms. In Cho Cho Phyu Company Limited, there are many resistances – perceived habits of the shop floor workers, the current perceived culture of the worker, the status quo of the workers, and uncertainty of the desire situation. So, we made some assumptions that as this is a culturaland department change, the incremental change could be more appropriate forCho Cho Phyu Company in this development process. RESTRAINING FORCES (Obstacles for Change) Present State or Desired State DRIVING FORCES Positive Forces for Change) Lewin’s Force Field Analysis Excerpt from www. changemanagement-coach. com Impact Area Analysis Impact area analysis means analyzing the area which will have impacts because of the nature of effect of change. So, weanalyzed the whole organization and after the investigation, this change is mainly depended on the whole organization but the Top management has already been committed to set up the HR department. Then, the impact area was now clarified, our main aim is to change the perceived culture of the Middle and First Floor level of the organization. The Required BehavioursThe required behavior for this change are as followed: The customers in Myanmar are now very educated, knowledgeable and very complaining. Not only about customer, also the competitive reactions are so intense. So, for retail chain like SHMT Home Mart, the required behavior will be as followed; * Lean and structured Organization * Well and systematic HR Department, HR Policies, Practices and Procedures * Rightful design of job * Better place to work. Prudence that We All need to Aware * This process is a ‘Change’ process. * Examine whether it needs to do or not. * We must have ‘Management’ it well, until it reaches the proper end. This is not an ‘Event†™, this a â€Å"Journey†. * Many people give ‘Bloods and Lives’ during the Change Process. * ‘Resentments or conflicts’ can occur during the whole phase. * We cannot do it lightly, and when we dealt with it ‘there is no turning back’ * There is a ‘Time Constraint’. Role of Change Sponsor or Leader In this change process, Ms. Phyu Phyu Seinn, MD, is the leader, an inspirational leader. Before she communicates about the new ‘Culture’, firstly, she must build the level of trust, which Stephen. P. Robbins means that there are dimensions of integrity, competence, consistence, loyalty and openness.As she is a leader, she must do the to minimize the possible employees’ resistance. The main task for the leader are as followed: * Know his employees. * Know his customers * Think about the desired results * Empower People * Create a Win–Win situation In this situation, Phyu Phyu Seinn acted as a ‘Tran sformational Leader’, that is, â€Å"Leaders who inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization by clarifying role and task requirements. †, â€Å"Leaders who are also capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on their follower. † Stephen P. Robbins.For Mr. Chan, changing the nature of ‘Customer unimportant Culture’ to ‘Customer-centric Culture’. Transforming the old believes to new opposite one. On the other hand, Phyu Phyu Seinn also acted as a ‘Sponsor’ who provides resources, authority, or reinforcement neededto accomplish change and has the authority to modify reward systems or otheraspects of organizational culture. Role of Change Agent Change Agent means that â€Å"Persons who act as catalysts & assume the responsibility for managing change†Robbins et al 1994 Qualities of the Change Agent * Flexibility * Objectivity * Commitment Leadership and inspiration o f others * Ability to handle uncertainty * Organizational Awareness * Sense of Humor Here are tasks for the Change Agent, which was identified by for SHMT Home Mart culture change process. The tasks of the change agent are: to get the commitment to the change from the impact groups, to set up and strengthen the change network, to disseminate the information about change, to help and support the groups in implementing change processes, to make involvement and educate others to participate in the change, to monitor the whole change process. The First Stage . We prepared an Employee Profile Form to know the length of services, knowledge, qualifications, and summary of the current position. The total workforce number is 46 in Head Quarter. We made the entire total workforce to fill up the employee profile to know the record of the employees. 2. Analyzed the detail aspects of the job by using interviewing methods. 3. Sent out the job satisfaction questionnaires to know the satisfaction r ate of employee. 4. Redraft and rethink the old bloated and ineffective organizational chart to ensure that human resources are fit with the right job. . Sent out the new job description HR Manager post to set up the proper HR Department. * Posted in Institutes and in some Universities. * Advertised through internet * Linked with Employment Agency * Posted in internal Notice Board 6. Started to with Billion Forces Co. , Ltd to introduce the HRIS software. The Second Stage 1. Draft and prepared Job Descriptions and Person Specifications to know the detail of their tasks, duties and responsibilities. 2. Set HR Policies in line with Organization Strategy and Philosophy 3.Prepared HR Forms in accordance with HR policy and procedures to have a proper and systematic HR system. 4. Completed an Employee Handbook, both in English and Myanmar, which constitutes all the aspects of HR policies, Attendance and leaves, and some procedures. 5. Interviewed to all the applicants, to get the right pe rson at the right job in the right place. 6. Redrew a New Organization Chart, which is more effective, and lean structure than ever. the Third Stage 1. Implement the new organizational structure andHR procedures and rules, and transferred all the necessary HR forms. 2.Set new salary scale level in accordance with secondary research data published by MRS (Myanmar Research Survey), 2011. 3. Held Human Resource Management Training to all the managerial and supervisor level, to know the importance of the Human Resource Management in the business organization. 4. Introduce the new figure print system to know the attendance of each and every employee. 5. Introduce the Employee Cards to record and improve the customer service and know the attendance of each and every employee. MD HR Manager Sr. Operation Manager Finance Manager Sale & Marketing ExecutiveAdministrative Manager Sr. Designer HR Officer As. Production Manager As. Logistic Manager As. Procurement Manager Chief Accountant Accoun tant-1 Accountant-2 Stock Controller Cashier (Shop 1) Cashier (Shop 2) SCM Administrative Officer Sale Manager Mobile Team Leader Sale Staff (Shop-2) Sale Staff (Shop-1) Mobile Team member IMC Officer Jr. Designer Inbound L. Officer Production Supervisors Production Leaders SCM Outbound L. Officer Managing the People issues – Human Resource Management Strategy As organizationis comprising with people, there is more or less human resource factors for us to consider.Torrington and Hall (2008) defined ‘Human Resource Strategy’ as ‘a central philosophy that people in the organization are managed and transition of this into HR policies and practices, to become effective, policies and procedures need to be integrated with business or organizational strategy’. In here, we are needed to be considered is that the HR strategy must ‘Fit’ with business strategy which means ‘employees are seen as key in the implementation of the declared organi zational strategy and human resource strategy is designed to fit with it. ’ Torrington and Hall (2008)The main aims of aligning the HRM with organizational strategy are to ensure the best utilization of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd employees to generate the organization performance and to reduce the level of risk by arranging and organizing the right people, in the right place, to the right job and in the right time. For human resource issues, we drew a plan, which is to cover most likely cases of Cho Cho Phyu Company people issues. Topics covered for Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd are as followed: Motivating, Training and development, Reward System, managing Psychological issues and Appraisal systems. Motivating or Committing others to Change For every successful change management process, the motivation of the followers is one of the factors to consider. ‘For most changes, people’s past experience of change can affect the level of commitment and willingness to support furthe r change’ John Hayes (2002). So, as this is the first time for Cho Cho Phyu, we have a responsibility to win this change. To motivate the workforce, we set, firstly, a proper goal and linked with the non-financialreward system of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd.We also set MD and Human Resource Manager as a role model for this change by visiting stores for every weeks, dealing with customers and giving speeches to employees about the importance ‘customers’. * Training Program Another issue during the department start-up time, we need to think about the ‘training program’. This is a new culture, people will not be familiar with it. For the first step, they have to understand what the new culture means for them. As this is the new culture, most of the sale staffs and supervisors would require a certain specific training for their job purposes.Each and every individual employees will be tested to ensure that they do have qualifications, skills and experiences to work with the new culture. We empowered change agents (managers) to persuade the workforce to attend and commit to the new culture. * Reward and appraisal system Another aspect is the reward and appraisal system. Organizational rewards are powerful incentives for improving employee and work group performance. Based on ‘carrot and stick’ metaphor, we set both tangible and intangible rewards for workforce. We made variety of reward, which is linked, with the culture of the organization.Reward such as recognition, contests, games, financial rewards, incentives, employee of the month or year awards which are mainly to show the appreciation for employee effort. We also made the reward systems link to the needs and wants of the individual employees. We used House’s Path-goal theory to motivate the workforce. * Managing Psychological Issues As people are human beings, there was many resistances to the new culture. Many people feel they were defeated, threatened, coerci ve by the new culture. Some people feel demoralized, stressful and frustrated for the change.So, from human resource management view point, we have a responsibility to take care and manage the psychological issues of the affected employees. That is why, we have made an agreement with HR department to make employee assistance program (EAP), stress management program and work-life-balance program. During the culture changing process, there can be some degree of redundancy. So, for survivors from the cuts, there can be shock, bitterness, anger and also peer and group pressures. Survivors need information about ‘why action had to be taken’ and ‘what the future holds for them personally’. Compensation and Ethical Considerations During the change process, there can many be issues like layoffs and compensations for those who resist change. So, we made some financial and non-financial transition arrangements. we arranged transition stay bonus and outplacement progr ams for all the layoffs employees. As most of employees at Cho Cho Phyu are between twenty and twenty-eight, there are much potential for their whole life long. So, Ms. Aung arranged personal career counseling, resume preparation and typing services, interviewing workshops and referral assistance in the outplacement programs.Initiating and implementing the new ‘Customer-centric’ Culture â€Å"The change process goes through a series of stages that, in total, usually require a considerable length of time. Skipping stages creates only the illusion of speed and never produces a satisfying result. †John Kotter, Leading Change To implement the new organizational culture, we were followed the model described by Kurt Lewis (1951). This is one of the best change model that is combining the theories of sociology and psychology, developed a three stage model for large-scale system change. Unfreezing phase This is the establishing stage for Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd, which is forced by the environment to implement the customer-centric culture as their competitors, or back off from this aggressive market. Unfreezing phase is first step of the Lewin’s change transition stages, where people are taken from the situation of being unready to change to the firststep of being able and willing to change. Schein(1995) states that in order for change to occur, there must be a combination of both adding driving force and removing restraining forces.Creating a sense of crisis will bring the whole components in the company into one voice. As the main aim of this stage is to ‘let go’ the old culture of the organization, we, firstly, searched the bad points of the current culture and linked it with the issues and problems currently faced by the SHMT Home Mart. This step is the most important fundamental step for this whole change, we created a crisis – ‘burning platform’ to reduce the level of trust on the currently using culture. According to many researchers, most of the change processes are failed because of the unreliable vision and strategy.So, for second, we created a persuasive vision – ‘what we want to be? , then communicate it to the whole organization, to overcome the current crisis situation of the Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd. By drawing a clear vision and strategy in how to achieve that vision, the employees will understand how the new system will benefit them and they will progressively change their effort to support the implementation of the new culture. We made change agentsto set clear vision of customer-centricculture in implementation process of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd.According to Lewin, this is a phase, which melt down the old beliefs, assumptions, and paradigm of organization. * Transition Phase this is a changing phase form the old undesired situation to the new desire situation. This is the hardest part for every individual to start. So, Ms. Aung, also made a pioneer team to fac ilitate the change situation. In this phase, the leader has to act like a king or role model. We made some form of coaching, counseling, reward, appraisal system, motivation and other psychological support for this phase.This phase get rid of anything which may vulnerablethe implementation plan of change process, including any unsuitable ideas, company structures, activities as well as existing beliefs which may potentially undermining or threatening the new culture implementation. Linking the reward and performance is very important for all change management process, and also with punitive actions. A sense of motivation is now needed for all employees to go to the goal of the organization. The project team also provided plenty of penalties of options for employee involvement in this change process.Giving opportunities to have delegation and empowerment can get the commitment of the employees. By announcing the short-term success also made the whole organization to generate motivati on. * Refreezing phase At the end of our journey, the final goal is to ‘refreeze’ the situation. Making short-term wins made the whole change process to run smoothly. As this new culture is very beneficial for both organization and staffs, each and every employees are very enthusiastic with the change. But in every change, there can be a ‘Marathon Effect’ that is some people reached the aim while other people are still running from the start.Visionary and icon leadership supports, proper reward systems, and reliable feedback systems made the change process to get success. we also made the training and development sessions for all the impacted employees to get the desired and required results from change management. For every change, there can be a fall back to the old undesired stage. That is why we made ‘burning bridges’ to ensure that there is no way to go back by establishing proper rules, regulations and policies and rewarding the successfu l employees whose behavior are aligned with the desired behavior. Communication StrategyCommunicating about the change throughout the whole organization is also the main point for all change champion, change leader and change agents to consider. Varey also said that ‘culture and communication cannot be separated’. People may feel shock, and deny in the first place, if the communication strategy is not well. So, we found out that we have to arrange it in the right timing during the transition process. We also used both formal and informal communication structure. In this strategy, we made people more rely on the formal communication system (that is – meetings, speeches, briefing, discussion, memo, notice etc. rather than informal (that is – rumors, gossips, conjectures and opinions). We planned the communication more focus on ‘what, when, who and how’, but there is no formula about the communication that can apply in all situation. In some circ umstances, change agents may advocate a complete openness of about all the issues to the impact groups. Conclusion This change management is concerned not only for the employee job satisfactions and delights but also for the business organizations to get competitive advantage.In this changing environment, the environment that the businesses operate is rapidly and massively changing. Notable experience is that, in Myanmar, the demographic changes have hugely impact on the Myanmar Businesses. As it is a culture change for Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd, we faced with many problems and it may take more than 1 year for the whole organization to accept and exercise the new culture. Although it is a new culture for the whole organization, it is very beneficial for both employees and employer. Because of that point, we can implement the whole change management in successful behavior. Organisational Behaviour Assignment Performance Review Report ————————————————- Cho Cho Phyu Company Limited Group – 2 â€Å"We can say that there can be a change situation, when the people are dissatisfied with the current status or current situation. † Kurt. W. Lewin â€Å"Change can be happened when the people in the organization are open-minded and willing to change. † U Aye Kyaw(MHR) Acknowledgements We would like to express our sincere acknowledgements to all those who have helped us in preparation for this project.Initially, we would especially like to express my gratitude to our teachers- TakeruOhe, PhosyChanhming, and Yasushi Ishida who give the training of COBLAS Myanmar (Consulting Based On Learning Asean Small and Medium Enterprises). We are greatly in debt of gratitude to all of our Myanmar teachers for their encouragement, unflagging support and invaluable guidance throughou t our project. We are very much grateful to Daw Phyu Phyu Seinn, Managing Director of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd (SPIKE Fashion Collection) who allows us to do the research in her company and gives us invaluable datas, information and help which is very important for our project.Furthermore, our special thanks are due to the employees in Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd, for their contribution and help in our change process. Last, we would like to offer my thanks to the authors and publishers mentioned in the references for using their materials in preparing this project. Many thanks to everybody who gave us help and support throughout our project. Executive Summary People are talking about the powerful word called ‘Change’, which is really popular in the human society started from the not more than the past three decades.And yes, this will be happened continuously at every time and in every situation. This is also happened in our business environment. Many literatures say that the e nvironment that the businesses operate is ‘rapidly and massively changing’. So, here are only two questions for all the businesses. Those questions are â€Å"kill? † or â€Å"be killed? †. For the business to be successful in the foreseeable future, it has to be killed the change before it is too late. So, the businesses must have aligned its internal arrangement with the demand of external changes.In this project, we focus on the aspect of ‘Starting up the Human Resource Department and introducing about Customer-led Culture’ at the company called â€Å"SPIKE Fashion Collection†, which is a successful fashion brand in Myanmar. ORGANIZATION PROFILE Cho Cho Phyu Company is started with a humble sole trader business structure in 1992, in the Third Capital City of Myanmar, Mandalay. And then, the business moves to Yangon in 2006 and formed as a private limited company. Also in 2006, Cho Cho Phyu company launched a fashion brand called †˜SPIKE’, which offers woman clothing to both business and consumer markets.Now, SPIKE is very popular brand for its local target markets of both Upper Lower and Lower Middle classes who live in suburb areas. Now Cho Cho Phyu hasTwoShow Rooms, in some downtown areas and TwoGarment Factories, which are operating very well. Business Canvas CUSTOMER SEGMENTS 1 Upper Lower Classes Lower Middle Classes VALUE PROPOSITION 2 ‘Spike’ is a fashion brand which is well established and has a good quality and reasonable price to its target market. the design is the main proposition for it, which is mostly emphasise on the comfort and confidence for its targets. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP 4Personal Assistant, Email, Phone, Letters DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS 3 Indirect Channel Direct Channel Consignment KEY RESOURCES 6 Reasonable Market Experience KEY ACTIVITIES 7 Cutting, Making , Packaging, Selling and Distribution PARTNERS 8 COST STRUCTURE 9 Social / Environmental Costs Financial Risk Capital Investment REVENUE STREAMS 5 Business community Well established Brand Seven Colour Textile Co. ,Ltd Long Foung Laung Yee ‘Spike’ aims to generate small revenues from a large number of customer designed items. This represents a valuable addition to Spike Fashion Collection. SWOT Analysis Strengths Customer loyalty / relationshipsProduction quality High production efficiency Skillful employees S W O T Weaknesses Poor Human Resource Management Lack of Plan Lack of clear mission, vision & goals Opportunities Changing customer’s needs Technological advance Get offer from ASEAN free trade Fashion trend changes of different ages Threats Changing the taste and preferences of the customers. the direct investment of the foreign companies. Main Issues As Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd is just transforming from Sole Trader business structure to Limited Liability Company (LLC), there are many problems associated with conventional or traditional management style.Many theorist s say that most of the business owners are still getting lost in this change period, as they do reflect and remember their past behaviors, which are very well relevant for them in the past. In this firm, employee are dissatisfied with their job as they do not get the benefits and privileges that can get easily in the external market or in other companies. The Bureaucratic decision-making and less delegating also lead the whole organization to feel stifle and less important. Moreover, no Human Resource Department leads to become unstructured and unsystematic procedure in dealing with employee aspects.As a consequence, there are many unmatched job responsibilities and position. Employees do not know ‘what are their rights? ’ and â€Å"what are strictly forbidden/†. Initial Stage (prelude) We met with the Managing Director of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd and discussed about the matters that are currently arising within the Company. After discussing about the matters, we m ade an agreement with MD of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd and we sent TOR (Term of Reference) Letter to make the agreement. After due consideration of all aspects, our group started to work the following activities. Investigation methodsResearch Design Exploratory: After getting the permission from company’s board of director, we started to discuss what factors of Cho Cho Phyu Co. ,Ltd contribute to employee satisfaction. Because of time and budget constraints, we were unable to conduct focus groups or in depth interviews. By doing interview, we developed the research design. Descriptive: To gain a better un derstanding of the problem, and to clarify the research questions, we conducted secondary research to discover what experts say aboutemployee salary scales. This research allowed us to gain a solid understanding of the business.We clearly describe about the process of our research and data process through clear clarification in our ‘Employee Job Satisfaction Report’ . Force Field Analysis For every change management, the most vital thing to consider is that whether this change is needed or not. To know the solution, we made investigations by using interviewing, questionnaire and scanning the environment. After being investigated the whole environment, we can suggest that the Cho Cho Phyu is needed to set the Human Resource Department. As the nature of organization comprises with human beings, there can be complexity of human emotions and psychological implications.People always feel threaten because of change. So in this situation, there is no doubt that this will be happened too. Then when we look at Lewis Force Field, there are two forces – the positive forces for change and obstacles of change. there will be change of the positive forces are greater than obstacles. Driving Forces * Demographic Changes In previous days, there are few places for all customers to buy products or whatever they want. After 1998, the demographic changes inc ur and customers now have habits to buy things at retail stores. Now, customers are very choosy, know they have a right to sue and knowledgeable.Moreover, every customer thinks they are paramount for every businesses. * Various Stakeholders Interests Stakeholders are those who are interested in the business activities and can be affected by the business operations. There is declined in organization’s profit level at those days. Poor customer management skills and overlooking the customers’ needs and expectations made the Cho Cho Phyu bad image. For Cho Cho Phyu, employees are the best valuable assets which cannot be copied or imitate. Also, there is a strong relationship between the Employee Job Satisfaction and Customer satisfaction. * Political ChangesAfter changing government and political policies in 1989, the economic condition of Myanmar is gradually increasing. Changing from socialist economy to market economy gave the Myanmar economy to become more developments and beneficial returns. In 2015, there will be an AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Agreement) issues. So, many SMEs and large scale businesses are starting to prepare for the unseen able future changes. * Competitors’ Reactions In Myanmar, there are same businesses like SPIKE Fashion Collection. The main rivalries for the SPIKE are D2, ,who are aggressively aiming to satisfy the customer requirements. * Economic IssuesIn Myanmar economy, there are too many uncertainties for every businesses. Also the implication of globalization of markets, organization must learn to break the limited mindset of national markets to compete on a worldwide basis (Ghoshal and Butler, 1992). Restraining Forces * Habits For every complexities, everybody rely on habits or programmed responses. People are difficult to change if they are naturally habited. * Security Even people at the high level can resist if the change is threatening to their feeling of safety. For staffs, there can be a sense of insecurity of being the nature of culture change due to the fear of unknown. Group Inertia Even if individual want to change, there can be resistances, which are constraint to the group norms. In Cho Cho Phyu Company Limited, there are many resistances – perceived habits of the shop floor workers, the current perceived culture of the worker, the status quo of the workers, and uncertainty of the desire situation. So, we made some assumptions that as this is a culturaland department change, the incremental change could be more appropriate forCho Cho Phyu Company in this development process. RESTRAINING FORCES (Obstacles for Change) Present State or Desired State DRIVING FORCES Positive Forces for Change) Lewin’s Force Field Analysis Excerpt from www. changemanagement-coach. com Impact Area Analysis Impact area analysis means analyzing the area which will have impacts because of the nature of effect of change. So, weanalyzed the whole organization and after the investigation, this change is mainly depended on the whole organization but the Top management has already been committed to set up the HR department. Then, the impact area was now clarified, our main aim is to change the perceived culture of the Middle and First Floor level of the organization. The Required BehavioursThe required behavior for this change are as followed: The customers in Myanmar are now very educated, knowledgeable and very complaining. Not only about customer, also the competitive reactions are so intense. So, for retail chain like SHMT Home Mart, the required behavior will be as followed; * Lean and structured Organization * Well and systematic HR Department, HR Policies, Practices and Procedures * Rightful design of job * Better place to work. Prudence that We All need to Aware * This process is a ‘Change’ process. * Examine whether it needs to do or not. * We must have ‘Management’ it well, until it reaches the proper end. This is not an ‘Event†™, this a â€Å"Journey†. * Many people give ‘Bloods and Lives’ during the Change Process. * ‘Resentments or conflicts’ can occur during the whole phase. * We cannot do it lightly, and when we dealt with it ‘there is no turning back’ * There is a ‘Time Constraint’. Role of Change Sponsor or Leader In this change process, Ms. Phyu Phyu Seinn, MD, is the leader, an inspirational leader. Before she communicates about the new ‘Culture’, firstly, she must build the level of trust, which Stephen. P. Robbins means that there are dimensions of integrity, competence, consistence, loyalty and openness.As she is a leader, she must do the to minimize the possible employees’ resistance. The main task for the leader are as followed: * Know his employees. * Know his customers * Think about the desired results * Empower People * Create a Win–Win situation In this situation, Phyu Phyu Seinn acted as a ‘Tran sformational Leader’, that is, â€Å"Leaders who inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization by clarifying role and task requirements. †, â€Å"Leaders who are also capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on their follower. † Stephen P. Robbins.For Mr. Chan, changing the nature of ‘Customer unimportant Culture’ to ‘Customer-centric Culture’. Transforming the old believes to new opposite one. On the other hand, Phyu Phyu Seinn also acted as a ‘Sponsor’ who provides resources, authority, or reinforcement neededto accomplish change and has the authority to modify reward systems or otheraspects of organizational culture. Role of Change Agent Change Agent means that â€Å"Persons who act as catalysts & assume the responsibility for managing change†Robbins et al 1994 Qualities of the Change Agent * Flexibility * Objectivity * Commitment Leadership and inspiration o f others * Ability to handle uncertainty * Organizational Awareness * Sense of Humor Here are tasks for the Change Agent, which was identified by for SHMT Home Mart culture change process. The tasks of the change agent are: to get the commitment to the change from the impact groups, to set up and strengthen the change network, to disseminate the information about change, to help and support the groups in implementing change processes, to make involvement and educate others to participate in the change, to monitor the whole change process. The First Stage . We prepared an Employee Profile Form to know the length of services, knowledge, qualifications, and summary of the current position. The total workforce number is 46 in Head Quarter. We made the entire total workforce to fill up the employee profile to know the record of the employees. 2. Analyzed the detail aspects of the job by using interviewing methods. 3. Sent out the job satisfaction questionnaires to know the satisfaction r ate of employee. 4. Redraft and rethink the old bloated and ineffective organizational chart to ensure that human resources are fit with the right job. . Sent out the new job description HR Manager post to set up the proper HR Department. * Posted in Institutes and in some Universities. * Advertised through internet * Linked with Employment Agency * Posted in internal Notice Board 6. Started to with Billion Forces Co. , Ltd to introduce the HRIS software. The Second Stage 1. Draft and prepared Job Descriptions and Person Specifications to know the detail of their tasks, duties and responsibilities. 2. Set HR Policies in line with Organization Strategy and Philosophy 3.Prepared HR Forms in accordance with HR policy and procedures to have a proper and systematic HR system. 4. Completed an Employee Handbook, both in English and Myanmar, which constitutes all the aspects of HR policies, Attendance and leaves, and some procedures. 5. Interviewed to all the applicants, to get the right pe rson at the right job in the right place. 6. Redrew a New Organization Chart, which is more effective, and lean structure than ever. the Third Stage 1. Implement the new organizational structure andHR procedures and rules, and transferred all the necessary HR forms. 2.Set new salary scale level in accordance with secondary research data published by MRS (Myanmar Research Survey), 2011. 3. Held Human Resource Management Training to all the managerial and supervisor level, to know the importance of the Human Resource Management in the business organization. 4. Introduce the new figure print system to know the attendance of each and every employee. 5. Introduce the Employee Cards to record and improve the customer service and know the attendance of each and every employee. MD HR Manager Sr. Operation Manager Finance Manager Sale & Marketing ExecutiveAdministrative Manager Sr. Designer HR Officer As. Production Manager As. Logistic Manager As. Procurement Manager Chief Accountant Accoun tant-1 Accountant-2 Stock Controller Cashier (Shop 1) Cashier (Shop 2) SCM Administrative Officer Sale Manager Mobile Team Leader Sale Staff (Shop-2) Sale Staff (Shop-1) Mobile Team member IMC Officer Jr. Designer Inbound L. Officer Production Supervisors Production Leaders SCM Outbound L. Officer Managing the People issues – Human Resource Management Strategy As organizationis comprising with people, there is more or less human resource factors for us to consider.Torrington and Hall (2008) defined ‘Human Resource Strategy’ as ‘a central philosophy that people in the organization are managed and transition of this into HR policies and practices, to become effective, policies and procedures need to be integrated with business or organizational strategy’. In here, we are needed to be considered is that the HR strategy must ‘Fit’ with business strategy which means ‘employees are seen as key in the implementation of the declared organi zational strategy and human resource strategy is designed to fit with it. ’ Torrington and Hall (2008)The main aims of aligning the HRM with organizational strategy are to ensure the best utilization of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd employees to generate the organization performance and to reduce the level of risk by arranging and organizing the right people, in the right place, to the right job and in the right time. For human resource issues, we drew a plan, which is to cover most likely cases of Cho Cho Phyu Company people issues. Topics covered for Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd are as followed: Motivating, Training and development, Reward System, managing Psychological issues and Appraisal systems. Motivating or Committing others to Change For every successful change management process, the motivation of the followers is one of the factors to consider. ‘For most changes, people’s past experience of change can affect the level of commitment and willingness to support furthe r change’ John Hayes (2002). So, as this is the first time for Cho Cho Phyu, we have a responsibility to win this change. To motivate the workforce, we set, firstly, a proper goal and linked with the non-financialreward system of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd.We also set MD and Human Resource Manager as a role model for this change by visiting stores for every weeks, dealing with customers and giving speeches to employees about the importance ‘customers’. * Training Program Another issue during the department start-up time, we need to think about the ‘training program’. This is a new culture, people will not be familiar with it. For the first step, they have to understand what the new culture means for them. As this is the new culture, most of the sale staffs and supervisors would require a certain specific training for their job purposes.Each and every individual employees will be tested to ensure that they do have qualifications, skills and experiences to work with the new culture. We empowered change agents (managers) to persuade the workforce to attend and commit to the new culture. * Reward and appraisal system Another aspect is the reward and appraisal system. Organizational rewards are powerful incentives for improving employee and work group performance. Based on ‘carrot and stick’ metaphor, we set both tangible and intangible rewards for workforce. We made variety of reward, which is linked, with the culture of the organization.Reward such as recognition, contests, games, financial rewards, incentives, employee of the month or year awards which are mainly to show the appreciation for employee effort. We also made the reward systems link to the needs and wants of the individual employees. We used House’s Path-goal theory to motivate the workforce. * Managing Psychological Issues As people are human beings, there was many resistances to the new culture. Many people feel they were defeated, threatened, coerci ve by the new culture. Some people feel demoralized, stressful and frustrated for the change.So, from human resource management view point, we have a responsibility to take care and manage the psychological issues of the affected employees. That is why, we have made an agreement with HR department to make employee assistance program (EAP), stress management program and work-life-balance program. During the culture changing process, there can be some degree of redundancy. So, for survivors from the cuts, there can be shock, bitterness, anger and also peer and group pressures. Survivors need information about ‘why action had to be taken’ and ‘what the future holds for them personally’. Compensation and Ethical Considerations During the change process, there can many be issues like layoffs and compensations for those who resist change. So, we made some financial and non-financial transition arrangements. we arranged transition stay bonus and outplacement progr ams for all the layoffs employees. As most of employees at Cho Cho Phyu are between twenty and twenty-eight, there are much potential for their whole life long. So, Ms. Aung arranged personal career counseling, resume preparation and typing services, interviewing workshops and referral assistance in the outplacement programs.Initiating and implementing the new ‘Customer-centric’ Culture â€Å"The change process goes through a series of stages that, in total, usually require a considerable length of time. Skipping stages creates only the illusion of speed and never produces a satisfying result. †John Kotter, Leading Change To implement the new organizational culture, we were followed the model described by Kurt Lewis (1951). This is one of the best change model that is combining the theories of sociology and psychology, developed a three stage model for large-scale system change. Unfreezing phase This is the establishing stage for Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd, which is forced by the environment to implement the customer-centric culture as their competitors, or back off from this aggressive market. Unfreezing phase is first step of the Lewin’s change transition stages, where people are taken from the situation of being unready to change to the firststep of being able and willing to change. Schein(1995) states that in order for change to occur, there must be a combination of both adding driving force and removing restraining forces.Creating a sense of crisis will bring the whole components in the company into one voice. As the main aim of this stage is to ‘let go’ the old culture of the organization, we, firstly, searched the bad points of the current culture and linked it with the issues and problems currently faced by the SHMT Home Mart. This step is the most important fundamental step for this whole change, we created a crisis – ‘burning platform’ to reduce the level of trust on the currently using culture. According to many researchers, most of the change processes are failed because of the unreliable vision and strategy.So, for second, we created a persuasive vision – ‘what we want to be? , then communicate it to the whole organization, to overcome the current crisis situation of the Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd. By drawing a clear vision and strategy in how to achieve that vision, the employees will understand how the new system will benefit them and they will progressively change their effort to support the implementation of the new culture. We made change agentsto set clear vision of customer-centricculture in implementation process of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd.According to Lewin, this is a phase, which melt down the old beliefs, assumptions, and paradigm of organization. * Transition Phase this is a changing phase form the old undesired situation to the new desire situation. This is the hardest part for every individual to start. So, Ms. Aung, also made a pioneer team to fac ilitate the change situation. In this phase, the leader has to act like a king or role model. We made some form of coaching, counseling, reward, appraisal system, motivation and other psychological support for this phase.This phase get rid of anything which may vulnerablethe implementation plan of change process, including any unsuitable ideas, company structures, activities as well as existing beliefs which may potentially undermining or threatening the new culture implementation. Linking the reward and performance is very important for all change management process, and also with punitive actions. A sense of motivation is now needed for all employees to go to the goal of the organization. The project team also provided plenty of penalties of options for employee involvement in this change process.Giving opportunities to have delegation and empowerment can get the commitment of the employees. By announcing the short-term success also made the whole organization to generate motivati on. * Refreezing phase At the end of our journey, the final goal is to ‘refreeze’ the situation. Making short-term wins made the whole change process to run smoothly. As this new culture is very beneficial for both organization and staffs, each and every employees are very enthusiastic with the change. But in every change, there can be a ‘Marathon Effect’ that is some people reached the aim while other people are still running from the start.Visionary and icon leadership supports, proper reward systems, and reliable feedback systems made the change process to get success. we also made the training and development sessions for all the impacted employees to get the desired and required results from change management. For every change, there can be a fall back to the old undesired stage. That is why we made ‘burning bridges’ to ensure that there is no way to go back by establishing proper rules, regulations and policies and rewarding the successfu l employees whose behavior are aligned with the desired behavior. Communication StrategyCommunicating about the change throughout the whole organization is also the main point for all change champion, change leader and change agents to consider. Varey also said that ‘culture and communication cannot be separated’. People may feel shock, and deny in the first place, if the communication strategy is not well. So, we found out that we have to arrange it in the right timing during the transition process. We also used both formal and informal communication structure. In this strategy, we made people more rely on the formal communication system (that is – meetings, speeches, briefing, discussion, memo, notice etc. rather than informal (that is – rumors, gossips, conjectures and opinions). We planned the communication more focus on ‘what, when, who and how’, but there is no formula about the communication that can apply in all situation. In some circ umstances, change agents may advocate a complete openness of about all the issues to the impact groups. Conclusion This change management is concerned not only for the employee job satisfactions and delights but also for the business organizations to get competitive advantage.In this changing environment, the environment that the businesses operate is rapidly and massively changing. Notable experience is that, in Myanmar, the demographic changes have hugely impact on the Myanmar Businesses. As it is a culture change for Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd, we faced with many problems and it may take more than 1 year for the whole organization to accept and exercise the new culture. Although it is a new culture for the whole organization, it is very beneficial for both employees and employer. Because of that point, we can implement the whole change management in successful behavior.