Sunday, January 26, 2020

Communication Is Important In Nursing And Nursing Process Nursing Essay

Communication Is Important In Nursing And Nursing Process Nursing Essay This essay will look at the importance of communication in nursing. To begin, the essay will consider the use of communication in nursing in the general context. The latter section will go on to reflect on the application of communication in practice in relation to conversation and basic psychotherapeutic support within the dementia care environment. Introduction Communicating is a fundamental skill in nursing. It governs every task a nurse undertakes from the point of admission to the point of discharge. There are a number of levels from simple phatic exchanges used to initiate conversation, extending to complex counselling techniques. Effective use of communication has been shown to benefit the nurse-patient relationship, contributing to overall well-being and accelerating the process of treatment. It is therefore an essential aspect of the nursing process. In some cases, it can even mean the difference between life and death. Good communication is often regarded as a delicate and complex art, requiring a good understanding of the interplay between numerous factors. This essay intends to provide a definition and to highlight a number of important professional, ethical, legal and moral responsibilities of the nurse in relation to communication (Sheldon, 2005). Discussion There are numerous definitions for communication. Potter and Perry (2001 p.445) offer a definition for communication as a process in which people affect one another through the exchange of information, ideas, and feelings. Thus, it is about sending and receiving a message, both verbally and non-verbally, with a shared goal of conveying a mutual understanding. In general regard to the verbal domain, the process is often reciprocal in nature as both informant and referent change role, seek clarification and offer an acknowledgement of understanding throughout the exchange. It is imperative to be aware of the effect that body language and paralinguistic features have on communication. Thinking about body posture and implementing the principles of SOLER (identified by Egan (1982) cited in Burnard and Gill (2009)) is useful in nursing. A relaxed posture can help in the process of active listening, helping to convey an empathic response to the patient. Argyle (1994) points out that people are often unaware of their own non-verbal communication, whilst it is clearly visible to the receiver. Incongruence between what is being said verbally and what otherwise is perceived does not help in facilitating a positive relationship from a patients perspective. However, for a nurse who is trained to be sensitive to such cues (particularly in mental health settings), it can sometimes present useful information about a patients mental state and is a possible indicator of deterioration. The Fundamentals of Care (2003) document published by the Welsh Assembly Government highlights that communication should take place using appropriate language and in a sensitive manner. Care should be taken to communicate effectively with people who are mentally impaired. In all patient communication the use of medical jargon should be limited wherever possible. As the Department of Health Valuing People Now (DH 2007) points out, as cited in Baillie (2009), people with learning disabilities have a right to healthcare just as much as other people and it should be just as accessible. In essence, nurses have to be open, flexible and versatile in their approach. Stuart and Laraia (2005) cited in Riley (2008) suggest that communication facilitates the development of a therapeutic relationship. Nurses should adopt a suitable style of questioning, using open and closed questions appropriately depending on the situation. It is always important to convey a warm and accepting attitude that is objective and value free, taking into account the different cultural variations that exist. Nursing is increasingly recognised as a holistic and person-centred process, with so many aspects of a patients life regarded as important to the process of recovery that communication in itself forms a significant aspect of treatment. Caris-Verhallen et al. (1999), cited in Crawford et al (2006), imply that communication promotes an increased level of self-esteem and reduces stress. These benefits also promote staff wellbeing. In addition, Watkins (2002) mentions the usage of self-disclosure as a factor that helps develop therapeutic relationships with patients, parti cularly within mental health settings. Teamwork is a factor too which relies heavily on good communication. Nurses are surrounded by different types of health care professionals and as Peate (2006) acknowledges, interdisciplinary communication can be difficult. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) Code of Conduct states that, as a nurse you must work cooperatively within teams and respect the skills, expertise and contributions of your colleagues. It is often the nurse that acts as an intermediary between the patient and another healthcare professional, disseminating information and explaining it in terms suitably appropriate to the understanding of the patient. Poor communication creates barriers which can often lead to patients feeling alienated and making complaints as well as often being a significant factor in cases of malpractice, neglect and negligence. Within many clinical settings, a lack of time presents difficulties in utilising effective communication. Nurses often have to take opportunities to build rapport using synchronous communication whilst carrying out other tasks and duties. As Crawford et al. (2006) point out, healthcare professionals are increasingly task driven and laden with administration which prevents them from spending time talking with patients using the ideal but time consuming counselling type communication. Therefore, in modern healthcare settings, they suggest a newer model is used that encompasses Brief, Ordinary and Effective (BOE) communication Crawford et al. (2006). With regard to written communication, the NMC Code of Conduct (2008) highlights that nurses are expected to ensure that accurate and up to date records are maintained, with clear information about when the entry was made together with a signature of the person making the entry. Not only is this therapeutically useful, it is also an essential legal requirement and offers evidence that treatment has been carried out. Finally, Baillie (2009) explains that the telephone also forms an important, often overlooked mode of communication. As with all clinical work, it is essential for nurses to maintain professional etiquette and confidentiality, as well as acknowledge their level of competence to the caller and ensure that the call is documented where necessary (Baillie, 2009) Conclusion Communication has been demonstrated to have an important positive influence on treatment outcome. Nurses as a collective group represent a substantial aspect of all clinical health care professionals. They probably spend the most amount of time with a patient. As such, there is an enormous capacity for influence on treatment. It is therefore clear why there is a need for significant emphasis on this matter in nurse pre-registration programmes. Encouraging future and present generations of nurses to communicate more effectively could have a significant influence on increasing patient satisfaction and recovery time. It is therefore suggested that promoting effective communication has potential cost saving implications for local healthcare authorities too. This is important given the enormous strain that the NHS is under in the current economic climate. From a wider perspective, it could be speculated that effective communication indirectly has some bearing on aspects of future health a nd social policy. Reflection: Communication in The Dementia Care Context This next section looks reflects on communication within a dementia care setting and utilizes a Reflective Cycle model (appendix 1) adapted from Gibbs et al (1988) as cited in Bulman and Schutz (2008). The model begins by using a description about what has happened and then encourages the person whom is reflecting to acknowledge their feelings about the situation/event. From this, the evaluation phase encourages the reflector to make value judgements and to say what was good or bad about the experience. Next, an analysis can be made about the situation and this should hopefully generate ideas and themes about the situation. Through doing so, conclusions can be drawn both in the general sense and in terms of the reflectors specific personal experience. The final part of the reflection process with this model is the personal action plans stage whereby the reflector can suggest different, perhaps better ways of doing things in a similar future situation. Description The placement was a dementia care ward which was all-female bedded with people who were at various stages in terms of the development of their dementia condition. The majority of the patients were still relatively active in a physical sense and often quite talkative. I spent a significant amount of time sitting with various patients in the dayroom, often for observation reasons to help ensure their safety. This enabled frequent opportunity to talk to the patients and also to gain some insight into the nature of how dementia can affect people. There was one patient that particularly concerned me. In the interests of preserving confidentiality I will change her name and refer to her as Abigale. Although this reflection is predominantly focused on my interaction with Abigale, much of what I mention is relevant to the patient population at large in respect of dementia care. Abigale was an elderly lady, perhaps in her early 70s, who used to be a school teacher during her working years. Her condition was such that she was often quite talkative although the conversation was very much disjointed. She conveyed a range of emotions and often talked to me as if I resembled a particular character in her former life. Sometimes she spoke in a manner that suggested that she was seemingly happy about something and then for no apparent reason, she would become very upset and tearful. This happened on a frequent basis, with her emotions appearing to cycle between positive and negative affect in relatively short periods of time. Feelings Throughout the time I spent talking with Abigale, I always tried to talk warmly to her and convey an accepting attitude along with empathy, interest and compassion, reflecting the core principles of Rogers client centred therapy. I was aware that my non-verbal communication was very important both to her and other patients. Within the dementia care setting, non-verbal communication is often even more important because it is often relied to a great extent. I always tried to portray openness in my body language, using the SOLER principles acronym outlined by Egan (1994), (see appendix 2). I found that she often used the mode of touch to communicate when sitting and/or talking with people and I attempted to replicate this in a similar, acceptable manner. I found this to be very effective which did surprise me. With a younger generation, touch tends to be a form of communication that I tend to perceive as not working very well for me. This maybe because I just havent utilised this method very much outside of friendship and family settings. I enjoyed spending time talking with Abigale. I particularly liked the way she continued to speak with a degree of authority that would perhaps be commensurate with her former role as a teacher. Even though her conversation was markedly unfocused and incongruent, she spoke in a very articulate manner. When I was able to answer her with a response she appeared to find satisfactory, it felt quite rewarding and it was good to see when she appeared to be happy. Sometimes she acted as if I resembled various people from her life. It was difficult to know whether to simply accept these non-sequiturs and go along with them, or correct her and risk upsetting her. Unfortunately, there were also times when I could not give her a response that she needed. I occasionally found it difficult to determine what she was actually talking about and I didnt want to respond with something that wasnt relevant. Despite my best efforts, it was difficult to seek clarification from her as she would often move on to some other topic. I also found it emotionally challenging at the times where she was upset for no apparent reason and I would have liked to have been able to offer more support. Sometimes, I have observed staff using diversion techniques to help distract patients from distressing situations. I have tried to use these occasionally. However, I tend to be a little uncomfortable doing this and I would rather be able to help somehow by having a greater understanding of the person and addressing their questions and concerns more directly. Finally, not having access to the computerised notes system (PARIS) was very frustrating as it meant that I only had information passed verbally from staff. Evaluation Whilst communicating with Abigale and indeed, other patients within the setting, I tried to maximise my listening capacity by blocking out noises that were external to interactions. However, because I felt I had a duty to the other patients, blocking all noises was impracticable. The dayroom tended to be a difficult place to have a conversation. The television appeared to be more or less continually switched on, and there were often domestic staff performing various cleaning duties. The ambient noise levels tended to be quite high and somewhat distracting both for myself and no doubt, the patients. Access to PARIS would have allowed me to gain a greater awareness about the patient as I would have been able to read comments and assessments made by the whole multidisciplinary team. Analysis Good communication forms an intrinsic part of the nursing process and is part of many nursing models. Roper et al. (1996) as cited in Peate (2006) list it as an aspect of daily living. Unfortunately, people who suffer with dementia experience a number of cognitive difficulties according to Mace (2005) as cited in Adams (2008) (see appendix 3) which make communication very difficult. The associated pathological diseases and consequences of aging also exacerbate these difficulties making effective communication even more problematic (Adams, 2008). The role of communication is therefore especially important for dementia patients as they are likely to have difficulties with interpretation of messages (Kitwood, 1997 as cited in Adams (2008)). Indeed, I often found that what Abigale said and how she acted on the responses that I gave was often incongruent suggesting there was a problem with interpretation. However, when I attempted to seek clarification, it was very difficult or indeed imp ossible. According to Cheston and Bender (2003), dementia care can be improved by beingpsychotherapeutic and using every interaction as an potential opportunity to help and support them. The humanistic and Rogerian aspect of empathic listening is particularly important and provides clues about embedded emotional messages according to Cheston and Bender (2003). However, they go on to suggest that in order to be psychotherapeutic in an approach requires a good understanding of a persons life history. Unfortunately, the short term nature of the placement meant that I was likely to remain relatively naive in terms of understanding her history and condition to any useful extent, so being truly psychotherapeutic in my actions was difficult. Nevertheless, I attempted to provide a contribution to the nursing process. I found that some of the communication strategies that nurses are encouraged to use in many settings need to be changed when consideration is given to the dementia care environment. Watkins (2001) suggests that clients respond better when nurses ask open questions. However, for dementia patients, asking open questions would appear to have a tendency to induce cognitive overload. As such, the Alzeimers Society Advice Sheet (2000) recommends that carers should ask short questions, one at a time which require only short answers. The Alzheimers Society (2000) also highlight the need to try and see the person behind the illness: Interests, likes and dislikes, hopes and fears, early life, places they have lived and visited, working life, people they love/have loved, friendships and personality. I did try to find out from Abigale aspects of her former life but in truth, I had very little understanding about these factors. Abigale tended not to respond directly to questions but rather hinted certain aspects on an adhoc basis. Therefore, hypothetically, if I was a named nurse for Abigale in the future, it would perhaps be useful to speak to her close family to gain some insight and as well as potential stimulus for conversations. Perhaps a reminiscence box containing various items such as photographs and objects would be useful in terms of triggering memories and developing conversations. I think it is important to acknowledge that it would have been better to take Abigale to somewhere quieter when she was upset. This would have been more conducive to conversation as well as offering some level privacy for Abigale. However, in the reality of the situation, there were limited places that were actually available on the ward. In addition, it was likely there were other patients that were also episodically distressed that made it difficult to devote full time to Abigale. The other patients tended to demonstrate similar emotions which coincided with the majority; hence there were good and bad days in terms of patient behaviours. Overall, I feel that on balance I offered a good level of support for Abigale. At times, I believe that I could have offered her more in terms of conversation if I had a better level of knowledge about her background. Indeed, sometimes I felt that I lacked the relevant stimulus to have a lengthy conversation. Despite it being my first placement, there were times where I would have liked to have had the knowledge to use certain basic level therapeutic approaches that are applicable to patients whom suffer from dementia. My mentor also mentioned an interest in validation therapy and I am aware too of the existence of other forms of therapy such as pre-therapy, reminenscence therapy, resolution therapy and the person-focused approach. However, I can clearly appreciate that as a 1st year nursing student, to gain such knowledge is totally impracticable, as well as potentially unethical and unprofessional if actually used without proper registered status. Indeed, under the NMC Code of Cond uct (2008) I must recognise and practice within the limits of competency. As such, in order to be in a position to use many therapeutic techniques effectively, I would need significant further training and/or further professional accreditation. Conclusion (General) Communication with patients who have dementia is an extremely difficult and complex process. It is absolutely essential that nurses practice effective communication to help maintain the quality of life of the patients in their care. In practice, it is very difficult to ensure that psychotherapeutic support is well provided, particularly as psychological needs are more subtle and discrete. It could be argued that relatively low levels of staff and the often high levels of physical interventions often found within dementia settings means that the provision for effective communication regarding psychological care presents a significant challenge. I think the psychotherapeutic aspect of care is a important issue, particularly with the number of cases of dementia predicted to rise to almost 1 million in the UK by 2020 (according to Alzeimers Disease International, 1999, cited by Burgess, 2003). Conclusion (Specific) Overall, I feel quite positive about my experience on placement and about the use of communication. I believe that I worked to the best of my ability. Abigale and many other patients appeared to be quite advanced in terms of their dementia condition. This proved to be quite a challenge. I would like to have had more awareness about Abigales history. I can now more readily appreciate the importance of family and friends, not only in terms of direct contribution to care but also the indirect contributions that they make through providing information about the patient. Early recognition of emotional distress helps with the nursing process. It could have made it more feasible for me to talk to Abigale to provide reassurance and limit the likelyhood of her becoming upset, therefore preserving her dignity. I have gained a great deal of insight into dementia care both through the placement experience and through the process of reflection. In retrospect, I would like to have been able to offer more in terms of psychological support and this provides some insight into the psychotherapeutic aspect of care for future placements. Action Plan In future, I would like to have acquired a higher level of therapeutic skills to enhance my ability to communicate with people who have dementia. The predicted rise in dementia cases as previously mentioned means there is a greater likely hood of coming into contact and providing nursing care for a patient who has dementia. I think it would therefore be useful to develop a greater awareness into the condition, especially from a psychological perspective. I also hope to have training and therefore approved access to PARIS computerised notes system. References Adams T (2008) Dementia Care Nursing: Promoting Well-Being in People with Dementia and Their Families. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan Alzeimers Society (2010) Factsheet 500: Communicating. Alzeimers Society: London. Accessed: 30.06.10 Argyle M (1994) The Psychology of Interpersonal Behaviour (5th Edn). London: Penguin Books Baillie L (2009) Developing Practical Adult Nursing Skills (3rd Edn). London: Hodder Arnold. Bullman C Schutz S (2008) Reflective Practice in Nursing (4th Edition). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Burgess L (2003) Changing attitudes in dementia care and the role of nurses. Nursing Times, 99 (38) 18. Accessed: 30.06.10 Burnard P Gill P (2009) Culture, Communication and Nursing. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Cheston R Bender M (2003) Understanding Dementia: The Man with the Worried Eyes. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Crawford P Brown B Bonham P (2006) Foundations in Nursing and Health Care: Communication in Clinical Settings. Cheltenham: Nelson Thorns Ltd. Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2008) The Code: Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics for Nurses and Midwifes. NMC, London Accessed: 12.04.2010 Peate I (2006) Becoming a Nurse in the 21st Century. West Sussex: Wiley. Potters P A Perry A G (2001) Fundamentals of Nursing (5th Edn). St Louis: Mosby. Riley J B (2008) Communication in Nursing (6th Edn). United States of America: Mosby. Sheldon L K (2005) Communication for Nurses: Talking With Patients. Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers Watkins P (2002) Mental Health Nursing: The Art of Compassionate Care. Edinburgh: Butterworth-Heinemann. Welsh Assembly Government (2003) Fundamentals of Care: Guidance for Health and Social Care Staff. Welsh Assembly Government: Cardiff. Accessed: 12.04.2010 Bibliography Ellis R B Gates B Kenworthy N (2003) Interpersonal Communication in Nursing: Theory and Practice (2nd Edn). Churchill Livingstone: London. Hamilton S J Martin D J (2007) Clinical Development: A framework for effective communication skill. Nursing Times, 103: 48, 30-31. Appendix 1 The Reflective Cycle (adapted from Gibbs et al.1988) cited in Bulman and Schutz, (2008). Appendix 2 Egans SOLAR Principles (Egan, 1994) as cited in Crawford et al. (2006) S Face people Squarely O Maintain an Open shape to the body L Lean forward slightly E Use appropriate Eye contact R Relax

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Practical Education vs Theoretical Education Essay

Nepal is backward in education system till today’s modern times due to the theoretical knowledge and rote learning. Theoretical education is based on text books and Practical education is based on various types of skills and technique. In Nepal, most priority is given to the theoretical education rather than practical as curriculum is based on it. Some of schools has adopted the practical approach of teaching-learning activities but majority are lacking. Theoretical education priorities only on the texts books and it is exam-oriented as well. Most of the contents or topics of our curriculum is not useful in our very life. Moreover, one of my friends told me that Nepal can never make a progress until and unless this (theoretical) education system is modified. I’m too totally agree with my friend view that if the curriculum or education pattern is not alter, country would be in same condition as it is, for more few years. Till now, we are adopting traditional approach of educational practice based on theory. Likewise, Rote Learning is an technique which avoids understanding of a subject and instead focusing on memorization. Rote learning is often view as a bad practice which is not good for the students. It makes students dull, unskilled, less creativity and many more. In Nepal, If the students don’t understood the topic, teacher encourages students for rote learning rather teaching the contents thoroughly from the first. In addition to, Practical education supports students’ to grab up skills which helps them to stand independently in any jobs and works. They will able to learn by understanding and doing practically in their life. Teachers also must use the practical methods of teaching day to day which helps to bring creativeness to students and make the students provide suitable logic and understanding about the subject matter. Rote Learning is practiced in subjects like Science, Social and Nepali. However, the new trend has been discovered which involves the rote learning  of subjects like Math. Students couldn’t understand the methods taught by teacher because of less practical method. So, they rote learn them by mathematical methods. To conclude, it seems that the necessity of the practical based education in Nepal is a must. For that, the main role that our government can play is to change present curriculum and bring about changes which includes 80% practical knowledge and remaining as theoretical. Also, there can be a class where students are taught on the international and national issues.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Who Is Lying to Us About Case Western Ppsp Supplemental Essay Samples?

Who Is Lying to Us About Case Western Ppsp Supplemental Essay Samples? The Honest to Goodness Truth on Case Western Ppsp Supplemental Essay Samples With regard to our academic requirements, it's not just about having a set of required classes below your belt. There are a lot of levels of questions which may be asked during program evaluation. In cases, where the issue of raising enrollment perseveres, it's usually essential to get the info in conditions of inputs and corresponding outputs. Though the performance system becomes better, there may be some other discrimination problems regarding unfair treatment applicable to employee benefits or awards that can be led to turnover. Essay writing is so crucial, so here is what you can do to assist your son or daughter write terrific ones! The essay intends to examine. Therefore, you've found that you're ready to compose your homework papers. How to compose an essay handout. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Aspects of Several Theories of Education - 956 Words

There are several theories of education. There are teacher centered and student centered ones, each one has its pros and cons. Educators use all different kinds of philosophy, many even combine philosophies. .After researching and observing different ways of teaching I have found I like a lot of them but only few aspects of each. I do believe in a student centered atmosphere so Progressivism and Reconstructionism are most logical choices. Progressivism focuses on the students benefits, this theory allows for greater student involvement, which I find to be a very important aspect. I believe it also hinders there learning, this theory overprotects students too much. When they reach the next grade or transfer schools they are unprepared for the harsher ways of learning. So I do not believe this method should be as a whole. I would use certain features in my classroom. There is also Reconstructionism which promotes social progress but this only focuses on developing an improved world. People say its student based but I believe that its more teachers based because it tries to turn student into socially reformed adults. It doesn’t focus on each child but rather the whole group. I would not use this theory in my classroom. I think the best student centered philosophy is Constructivism. This theory emphasized hands on learning. Students are activity participating in class. In my observation, I saw constructivism working on real students. I believe this is one of the mostShow MoreRelatedPsychotherapy is the Practice of Psychology, by Lee Sechrest and Bradley Smith871 Words   |  4 Pagesargument for the complete integration of the aspects of theory, research, and practice of psychotherapy into the discipline of psychology. The authors define integration as the â€Å"[unification] of a body of knowledge in systematic way that is coherent and heuristic† (Sechrest Smith, 2012, p. 170). 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